Your FREE Personal Organizer!

It's September and your free personal organizer is here to help!

Your free personal organizer (that's me!) has calendar tips to help you plan ahead for the trio of holidays…Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!

  1. Birthdays? Check your calendar for upcoming birthdays and start shopping now for the perfect gift at the perfect price! Last minute gift purchases usually result in overspending and settling for a less than stellar gift! Now might be a great time for you to start a gift closet, learn how!

  3. Halloween is nearly two months away, but the stores are already tempting us with decorations and costumes which means our children will soon be asking what should I be for Halloween? The frugal answer is…I'll make your costume! Don't worry, starting September 27th, The Budget Diet will feature a week of Halloween costume ideas, Halloween decorating ideas and Halloween recipes…all fast, frugal, easy and no sewing required!

  5. Thanksgiving or Christmas Travel Plans? Now is the time to plan ahead and start researching airfares. hotels and rental cars.
  6. Christmas Gifts If your family draws names for Christmas, don't delay! Plan ahead! Once you have your shopping list, try doing a little Christmas shopping each month…it's easier on the budget! Another thought…in the interest of saving money, your family may want to consider only children drawing names.

Your free personal organizer, aka The Budget Diet girl, is always at your service with gift ideas, party ideas organizing tips and more!