How to Save Money – 98 Ways to Cut Your Spending by $400 a Month!

In a hurry? Check out Survey Junkie. Why? Because you can earn up to $150 if you take one of their surveys.

Did you know if you figure out how to cut spending by $13 a day, you’ll save $400 a month and $4800 a year? Pay attention to the little expenses because they really do add up. There are plenty of things to cut out to save money! This is currently the most popular article on The Budget Diet.

If you've read it before, it's worth a read again… a little frugal living refresher won't hurt.

Cut Your Spending by $400 a Month!

Consider this your frugal living menu with over 98 ways to cut your spending by $400 a month by changing simple spending habits. Don't miss out on the “Little Things That Adds Up” section below, in it I share few money-saving tips and links on how to start earning extra income too (all legit, no scam or get rich quick schemes). Little things that you can start doing today that can bring in a few hundred dollars extra every month.

I've included lots of links to help you find more in-depth information on many of these ways to save money, and even ways to earn extra money to beef up your savings account, so just click on a link if there's something you want to learn more about.

 Want a fun way to earn extra rewards? Checkout:

Branded Surveys: Share your opinion to get gift cards and cash!

Freecash: Get paid to play fun mobile games and to download apps!

How to Save Money Each Month:

  1. Little Things That Add Up
  2. Shop Smarter
  3. Cut Food Costs
  4. Reduce Your Bills
  5. Revisit Your Car Insurance Policy
  6. Have Fun For Less
  7. Go Green and Save Some Green
  8. Reduce Health & Fitness Expenses
  9. Travel More, Spend Less
  10. More Ways to Save

Little Things That Add Up

In this section I've listed a few ways to save a little extra and earn a little extra by doing some simple things like offering your opinion on surveys. I've found these little things here and there to really add up over time to big savings (and I like sharing my opinion on things anyway so these are fun for me to do!)

Top Recommendation: Earn A Little Extra For Your Opinion With Survey Junkie

Did you know that you can get paid to give your opinion about products you're already using? Perfect for anyone who is unemployed, or even a full or part time employee. If you live in the US or Canada, Survey Junkie is for you! Survey Junkie is one of the few legit paid survey companies out there (great ratings with the BBB).

Other Options To Earn

  1. The Nielsen Panel is well known for their media data and rely in large part on everyday people like us. The nice thing about this program is all you have to do is install an app meter that automatically sends data to Nielsen to learn lessons on overall internet usage.
  2. Pinecone Research is a new paid evaluation system that I'm really leveraging this year. The model is similar, but different in that you evaluate products (can get some swag in the process) and get paid for the opportunity. Win, win. A great income supplement, especially for full-time employees who get burnt out with the surveys.
  3. Vindale is another legit survey paying company based in New York. I like that that they reward their members with straight up cash (via PayPal or check). They also have surveys that pay out up to $100. It really is easy money, especially if you're struggling to get by at the grocery store while making minimum wage. 
    I love hearing stories of people (especially moms) that manage to find few minutes to fill few surveys while the kids nap, clothes are in the drier or the food is in the oven. It adds up folks! It can even replace the need to find part-time work when saving money or handling out-of-pocket expenses. If you manage to make it a daily habit of filling a few of the surveys, you can end up making an extra few hundred (or thousands!) of dollars every month! You are probably sharing your opinion on social media with your friends anyway. You might as well get paid for it
  4. I'm a big fan of Ebates. It's a great way to find coupon codes and earn cashback on every purchase you make online! Since I started shopping online, I made over $62,430 cash back from them, so I dare anyone who says it's scam or it doesn't work. You can join here. In addition to my review, I also wrote few more articles about Ebates – this last article includes a screenshot of my cash back if you're a doubter who thinks it's a scam. You can get a one-time bonus for signing up and regular coupons to apply to your sales.
  5. InboxDollars is another service that allows you to get paid for your opinion. Major brands like Netflix, Walmart, Groupon and more want to recruit people to test new products before they release them to the wider market. You can actually get a FREE $5 bonus by signing up. They are a member of TrustPilot and have an A+ rating from the BBB, which is hard to get for a rewards program!
  6. Swagbucks allows coupons and also allows payouts in both gift cards and PayPal, making it a great way to actually get usable cash back bonuses. You can learn more about my favorite Ebates alternatives here.
  7. Amazon Subscribe and Save. Take a look at your typical monthly bills. Are there consumables that you regularly purchase? Think toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, coffee, etc.. If so, signing up for an Amazon subscription here can save you 5-20% on that order per month! You can also set it for longer periods of time (every 3 months, etc..). This can also be a good reminder to change out certain things like water filters, etc. while conveniently linking it to your credit card.

Our 12 Favorite Ways To Earn Money From Home.

Shop Smarter

Shopping is the one sure way to spend your money. But getting control over how much you spend when shopping is completely in your control. From deciding you don't actually need that new thing, to using some tips and tricks to save on how much you actually pay for that new thing, here are some of my favorite ways to save on shopping.

Top Recommendation: Use Rebate Apps like Ebates

Rebate Apps are probably the smartest thing you can do when shopping for new items, clothes, or even groceries. They allow you to make your purchase through a cashback link (when shopping online) or through a form (when shopping in-store) and receive a certain amount of money back, reducing the purchase price.

The rebate apps charge the stores you're purchasing from, so it's completely free for consumers like you and me to sign up, use, and start saving!

Discounts & Coupons

  1. Make sure you’re taking advantage of discounts! Check out this list of Military Discounts or Teacher Discounts that you can get today.
  2. Shopping online? Never leave the coupon code box blank again! Sites like RetailMeNot offer free coupon codes for just about any product you're shopping for… electronics, fashion, home and garden, books and more.
  3. Get in the habit of shopping Groupon and other deal sites. No matter what you're shopping for, there's a deal site for you! Sign up to receive the best daily deals that offer a significant percent off your final sale (excluding tax). No matter what you're shopping for, there's likely a daily deal site to help you save money! You can also check out some of the alternatives to Groupon to track other promos.
  4. Make sure you’re taking advantage of rewards programs at places you regularly shop like CVS, Kroger, and Petco. If you're tired of carrying around all those rewards cards, there's a free app called Key Ring where you can store them!

30+ Proven Ways To Lower Your Cost Of Living.

Gift Cards

  1. Stock up on discounted gift cards for places you normally shop. How does 15% off at JC Penney or Pier 1 sound? Buy discounted gift cards!
  2. Speaking of gifts cards… I like getting gift cards (or cashback) using Swagbucks here. If you don't mind gift cards, Swagbucks is a great way to leverage the shopping that you are already doing to save money.

Don't Feel Like You Have To Buy

  1. Stop making impulse purchases! Get in the habit of asking yourself if it’s a need or a want and if it fits your budget.
  2. Don't keep up with the Joneses. Unless you are the president and CEO of a billion dollar company, constantly competing with your neighbors will put you in debt. Even President Trump probably uses a budget in his personal shopping. No? Moving on.
  3. Patience pays! If you make an effort to plan ahead, you'll have time to find a bargain! Last minute shopping rarely yields big savings.
  4. Shop garage sales, thrift stores, Craigslist, Goodwill and consignment shops first – you never know what treasures you may find! Once you find a few treasures, you'll be hooked!
  5. Try swapping instead of shopping. Invite your friends over and swap children’s clothes, toys, books and Halloween costumes. The average family saves $569 a year by swapping children’s clothes!

More Shopping Savings

  1. Do you know the best times of the year to buy for maximum savings? Fall is the best time to buy a grill because stores need to make room for Christmas merchandise. Check out the Best Time To Buy Guide with listings by month.
  2. Consider homemade gifts and homemade Halloween costumes rather than using your credit card and putting yourself in debt over materialism– you don’t have to be Martha Stewart with my ideas!
  3. Get in the habit of buying clothes during the end of season clearance.
  4. Hosting a birthday, graduation or even a wedding? It's okay to ask for gift cards or in cases cash instead of presents. You can get a beautiful and elegant gift box. It can look great on a nicely decorated table along with a thank you note.
  5. Be thankful for what you have instead of shopping for more!
cut your spending by $400 a month

Cut Food Costs

  1. Always plan meals. Create a meal plan, make a list of food, and try to grocery shop once a week. Food is one of the most expensive out-of-pocket expenses families face.
  2. Buy store brands, this alone will cut your grocery bill by 25 percent!
  3. Shop Costco or Sam’s for staples like milk, eggs, butter, cheese and sugar. This is where the real savings are. Remember, everything is not cheaper at a warehouse club.
  4. Invest in a deep freezer so you can buy in bulk during a big sale.
  5. Stop buying bottled water! A case of bottled water is about $5 per week, $20 a month and $240 a year! Try a refillable bottle instead… Brita makes a refillable bottle with a filter.
  6. Buy seasonal produce for best taste and savings.
  7. Did you know that Kroger sells rotisserie chickens for half price after 7:30? Stock up, chop up, freeze! Check your local grocery for their policy.
  8. Meijer sells all pre-sliced deli lunchmeat for half price after 8:30. See if your local grocery has a similar policy.
  9. Check your local bagel and donut shops, you can likely pick up a bargain after a certain time of the day! Our bagel shop sells 1 dozen for $5 after 2:00, and I've heard that Krispy Kreme sells a dozen donuts (the ones in the case) for $1 after midnight…that gives new meaning to a midnight snack!
  10. Eat out for less with deals from, or buy discounted restaurant gift cards! 
    Discounted gift cards are what I call “no-brainer instant savings.”
  11. Don’t miss out on over 100 Birthday Freebies from restaurants! How’s a $30 gift certificate to Benihanas sound?
  12. Discover all the Kids Eat Free offers.
  13. Are you taking advantage of Report Card Freebies?
  14. Eat in, not out! Those everyday trips to the drive-thru quickly add up – $7 a day for lunch = $35 a week, $140 a month, $1820 a year! Could you brown bag it to work a few days? Check out 5 easy ways to ditch the drive-thru.
  15. Make your own Starbucks and save about $3 a day, $21 a week, $84 a month, $1008 a year!
  16. Plant a garden and enjoy seasonal produce for a fraction of the cost. Make sure your meal plan includes meals you can make from produce purchased at the local farmer's market. The farmer's market not only has cheap options, but helps you support your local economy.
  17. Learn to can fruits and veggies as a way of saving money on produce.
  18. Always check out the grocery clearance/managers specials…the deals are amazing!
  19. Cook from scratch… you're paying way too much for convenience!
  20. Try this classic king of money-saving tips – only order water at restaurants.
Cut Spending

Reduce Your Bills

  1. can help you receive the best bids from companies looking to reduce your monthly payments (debt, auto insurance, and mortgage). The best part is that you don't have to agree to anything other than to let leading companies BID for your business.
  2. Don't want to use a third party? Call your utility companies to make sure you’re getting the best rate, and to make sure you really need all the services you’re paying for like call waiting or premium cable channels. A few phone calls usually yields savings of $15 a month.
  3. If you live in a deregulated state, make sure you’re shopping around for the best electricity rate! It’s easy! In Texas, go to, enter your zip code, see rates, read the fine print and choose a provider. The process is similar for all deregulated states, and there’s no interruption to your service. Our guide on paying your electricity bills is also worth reading.
  4. If you have any student debt, especially with multiple lenders, refinancing student loans can trim hundreds per month off of your payments. This service here offers a good way to get started.
  5. Shop around and compare rates on auto and home insurance. Ask yourself if you could live with a higher deductible or different limits, and make sure you are taking advantage of all the discounts and bonuses available to you (security system, good student, student away).
  6. Start using a clothesline and you’ll save about 6% on your electric bill plus your home will be quieter and cooler! Take this a step further and replace all your light bulbs with energy-efficient light bulbs to save a lot of money without any work.
  7. Invest in a programmable thermostat…it will quickly pay for itself and you can put the money you save into a savings account. Not only will a programmable thermostat help save you a lot of money, but installing a new water heater in an old house usually makes a huge impact on the savings account.
  8. If you've had a disruption to your cable or satellite service, call and ask for a refund! We had issues with our cable for a week, and a complaint phone call yielded a $50 credit on our bill. They will provide a small percent of the cost for legitimate complaints, which may also result in a credit on your cell phone or high-speed internet bill.
  9. Speaking of cable, ditch it and opt for streaming services like Netflix or Hulu. Unless you watch a lot of sports, streaming services are a great option. Not only is this one of the many ways to save money, it is a great way to boost productivity. If you don't want to ditch television entirely, look at budget options like Sling TV.

Revisit Your Car Insurance Policy

Did you know that the average driver can save over $800 a year by comparing car insurance rates? When looking at things to cut out to save money, comparing your current coverage is quick and can provide some major savings.

My favorite go-to resource to save money on my insurance is the Better Insurance tool. It forces insurance companies to compete for your business and takes the hassle out of haggling.

When comparing quotes, make sure to choose a company that has solid reputation for claims service and customer support otherwise saving a few dollars today could cause you a headache in the future.

Save Money

Review Your Home Insurance Policy

A recent study has shown that over 75% of people do absolutely no shopping when it comes to buying their home insurance. This means that more than likely you are paying way more than you should be for coverage that you might not actually need.

If you didn't shop for coverage there is no way to know exactly what's being covered in your policy and if your limits match the value of your home.

You can use insurance sites like Simply Insurance to get some detailed quotes or find out how much home insurance you actually need.

This quick review could save you way over $400.00 per month alone, depending on the type of coverage you already have.

Have Fun For Less

  1. is a great source for huge savings on fun things to do in your area like 62% off admission at the Houston Museum of Natural Science! Note: Another option to try is
  2. Try a high school football game or theatre performance for a cheap evening out.
  3. How about breakfast and a movie? AMC theatres offer $6 movies before noon.
  4. Watch your old wedding video and family videos.
  5. Pull out your wedding album on your anniversary.
  6. Have a wine tasting night at home and discover your favorite cheap wine. Simply cover a few bottles with brown paper, taste and rate!
  7. Host a cooking school for your kids – it’s time to stop watching the Food Channel and start cooking!
  8. Game night is a great family tradition to start! For a fun twist, add silly bets like loser does the dishes!
  9. Create your own Wii Family Olympics by playing a different sport each night – ideal for winter break.
  10. Check out for a state by state listing of free tours.
  11. Find free events in your city by doing a quick internet search…the results might surprise you! West Palm Beach offers free concerts every week!
  12. Pizza Taste Test – buy assorted frozen pizzas, taste, rate and choose your new favorite.
  13. Start a family tradition of having ice cream sundaes on Saturday!
  14. Try Minute to Win It challenges at home.
  15. Bring back home birthday parties! You really don’t need to spend $300+ for an ice skating party or Build-A-Bear party.
  16. Enjoy the outdoors – take a hike, go for a bike ride, watch the sunset! Mother Nature has a lot of free fun to offer.
  17. If you're a Bank of America customer, take advantage of free museum and zoo admission the first weekend of the month. Check their website for a listing of participating museums / zoos.
  18. When's the last time you visited the library? Check out books, movies and enjoy free events. Our library offers free yoga and zumba classes!
  19. Let your kids get involved in Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts or 4H for affordable fun!
  20. A neighborhood pot luck party is one of my favorite memories, and it's frugal fun at its finest!
  21. Better yet, why not have fun and make money at the same time? Put up a lemonade stand, have a garage sale, walk pets – choose a moneymaking activity that you enjoy.

Go Green and Save Some Green

  1. The Return of the Clothesline – Start using a clothesline or drying rack, and you’ll save nearly 6% on your monthly electric bill according to the Department of Energy…plus your house will be quieter & cooler! If your city or homeowners association prohibits clotheslines, your best option is a cloths drying rack (available at Target, Walmart and Bed Bath & Beyond for about $30). If your monthly electric bill is $200, your friend the clothesline just saved you about $12 a month & $144 a year!
  2. Burn Calories, Not Gas – Walking or riding bikes is budget friendly, earth friendly and figure friendly…so, what do you have to lose? Maybe a few pounds???? Let’s here it for pedal power!
  3. Consider Carpools – Could you organize a carpool for work, school or after school activities? You’ll save both time and gas!
  4. Plan Ahead – Are you guilty of running errands every single day or making two trips to the store because you didn’t make a list? There’s more to life than errands, and planning ahead will save you both time and gas money.
  5. Slow Down – Driving 65 miles per hour uses 15% more gas than driving 55 miles per hour – that’s like paying 40 cents more per gallon! Of course, you’ll likely be the only one on the highway going 55!
  6. Pay Bills Online – Save trees, save stamps, save money!
  7. Find a Farmer’s Market – Discover your local farmer’s market, and your budget will love the prices and you’ll love the fresh taste of just picked produce! To find a farmer’s market near you, visit and enter your zip code.
  8. Stop Junk Mail – Save trees, save your sanity! It only takes a minute to visit DMA Choice to remove your name from mailing lists for catalogs, insurance offers and more!
  9. Reusable Lunch Containers – Instead of a brown bag, carry a lunch box. Instead of zip top bags, invest in reusable bags. You’ll spend a little money upfront, but you’ll save money in the long run.
  10. Stop Buying Bottled Water – Bottled water has become the American way, and up until a few years ago…I was guilty of buying a 24-pack every single week! WOW…that’s $4 a week, $16 a month and $208 a year for WATER! Stop buying bottled water and start buying refillable bottles for your family to take to work, school and sports.
  11. Unplug – Phantom Electricity is the electricity that is used when a device is plugged in but not in use. For example…you leave your cell phone charger plugged in all the time, but you only charge your phone every few days…did you know that your charger is still using electricity when it is plugged in but not charging? This is “Phantom Electricity”, and little bits are being used throughout your home everyday hence the name “phantom.” Wasted electricity is not earth friendly, and wasted electricity is wasting your money!
  12. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle – If you’re not recycling, this is a great week to start! The first step is to have a system and make sure everybody in your family understands it! The Budget Diet girl’s system is two trash cans in the kitchen – one for recycling and one for trash. After a few weeks, recycling will become a habit, and your neighbors will be green with envy when you only have one small bag of trash each week!
  13. Homemade Cleaning Products – Make the switch to homemade cleaning products that cost pennies to make and clean just as well without harsh chemicals.
  14. Repurpose – Look twice at things before throwing them away! Could you cut off the fronts of some of your Christmas cards to use a gift tags next year? Could you paint that old piece of furniture or spray paint a chandelier to give it a new life? Save nice glass jars for giving gifts like my 2-ingredient DIY Coconut Sugar Scrub. You'll never have to buy a box for shipping if you save a stash!
  15. Compost!
  16. Check Craigslist for free plants…you'll almost always find them!

Reduce Health & Fitness Expenses

  1. Are you taking advantage of your flex plan at work for pre-tax savings?
  2. Save money on prescriptions by avoiding “combo pills.” A combo pill combines more than one type of medication and generally costs a lot of money. For example, Lotrel is a blood pressure medicine that costs $70 a month for generic, but you could get a prescription for the two components (Amlodipine and Benazepril) for $6 each. Health care doesn't have to be as expensive as we make it out to be.
  3. Ask your doctor about any money saving prescription options…the last time I did this, we were given a bag full of samples! Ask and you just might receive! Alternatively, they might make a recommendation on generic drugs versus brand-name drugs, which tend to cost a lot of money, especially if they are out-of-pocket costs.
  4. Order pet medications online from place your order online, and they will contact your vet for the prescription. It's one less errand you'll have to run this week, and it's cheaper than buying the medications from your vet.
  5. Order contact lenses online from
    . It works just like Costco, Sam’s and Walgreen’s also offer discount contact lenses.
  6. No dental insurance? Find a dental school in your area for exams.
  7. Want a bargain massage? Try a massage therapy school! In Houston, Memorial Hermann Southwest offers a 1 hour massage for only $29, and tipping is not allowed!
  8. Check out FREE diet websites like and Simply input your weight, your desired weight, and you’ll get a plan. These sites help you keep a food diary and keep count of calories, fat, protein and carbs. You’ll also find plenty of motivation, tips and support in their online forums.
  9. Get fit for free! A gym membership is a big offender on the list of out-of-pocket costs. Walk, ride bikes, check out my Pinterest Board of at home workouts or try exercise dvd’s. Average savings – at least $40 a month and $480 a year. If you want to try different gym classes, try a drop in rate rather than spending a lot of money on a gym membership you won't use.

9 Easy Ways To Lower Your Monthly Bills.

Travel More, Spend Less

  1. Deal first, destination second – this is The Budget Diet’s motto when it comes to saving on travel. It simply means don’t get your heart set on a destination, and then discover the deals don’t exist. Instead, be open-minded about a destination and get excited about great deals.
  2. Did you know that discounted gift cards exist for travel? Recently, Costco had $300 American Airlines gift cards for only $269.99! How’s that for instant savings? Take a moment to peruse the huge selection of discounted gift cards at
    – you'll find discounted gift cards for hotels, restaurants, shopping and more!
  3. Save on Cruises with’s 90-day last minute ticker. It’s not unusual to find discounts of 75%!
  4. Consider a home exchange program like HomeExchange or
  5. A road trip is always budget friendly! Plan a road trip to please everyone – you set the budget and distance parameters, and each member of the family plans a day!

More Ways to Save

  1. DIY – could you make it yourself or fix it yourself? Thanks to YouTube, there’s a video to teach you just about anything! You can even learn to fix a leaky toilet!
  2. Consider swapping babysitting or pet sitting with a neighbor looking for part-time work.
  3. Cut and color your hair at home.
  4. Cut your dry cleaning bill by switching to no-iron shirts. 5 no-iron shirts from Costco cost $79.95, and you’ll save about $250 a year on dry cleaning.
  5. Instead of a coin jar, try a $1 bill jar – you have to adjust for inflation, right?
  6. File your annual income taxes online with free services like Turbo Tax or H & R Block. If you're lucky their free tax tips might help maximize your refund!
  7. Be pro-active and schedule professional routine maintenance on household items like plumbing and air conditioning systems.
  8. Check out this list of the best months to buy certain things.

How many ways did you find to cut your spending by $400 a month?

P.S. – Now that you've read through this entire article Pin the infographic below to your favorite money savings Pinterest board.

With employees under strain, constant talk about tax cuts, tax reform, discretionary spending, and changes to social security, it can feel like you have no control over your income. Whether you're one of the full-time employees struggling with minimum wage and relying on tax savings, or a president and CEO of a billion dollar company that takes advantage of a corporate tax rate, you can't rely on the federal government to make changes to suit you. You will have to adjust your budget, put a certain percent of your income in savings, and do the best you can at the grocery store. You have the power to change your spending habits.

Now that you finished reading and you now know there is a lot that can be done, here's a much shorter printable Cut Your Spending Checklist. Simply put a check mark next to any money saving tips you’d like to try, and you’ll soon find your family saving at least $400 a month, which could mean cutting your spending in half for some of you! While switching to energy-efficient light bulbs and subscription paper towels might not seem like much, it all adds up! You can also check out more frugal tips here.  Thanks to Kristy W. for helping everyone save paper and ink by putting together this short 4-page printable Cut Your Spending Checklist. After that, why don't you check out our ultimate guide to setting up a budget as well?

Thanks for reading and happy saving!

Cut Your Spending by $400 a Month

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