Want to Diet on a Budget? Do It Yourself!

diy diet

With so many expensive diet products on the market, dieting on a budget has become a challenge for many people. The following are some ways and tips to get started on your DIY (do it yourself) diet! Let’s look at these:


Choose a plan: Consider many of the FREE resources available for your diet.  You could check out diet books at the library or utilize free diet websites like SparkPeople.com or MyFitnessPal.  Both of these sites help you set a goal, weigh-in, track exercise, keep a food diary and count calories, fat, carbs and protein.  Support and motivation is also available on these sites through forums.

Diet together:  Dieting with a spouse, family member or friend will help keep you motivated and accountable.

Plan your meals:  Write everything down!  Start by planning your meals and making a grocery list to avoid temptations.  Next, keep a food diary and write down everything you eat.  Both SparkPeople.com and MyFitnessPal have great free food diary options.

Keep the basic ingredients handy: Make sure you keep all the basic ingredients required for your diet  handy at home. Healthy options include protein shakes and bars, oats, canned tuna, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, chicken breasts, beans, fruits and vegetables. With these ingredients at home you will be less tempted to grab high carb sugary snacks.

Since this is your DIY diet, it will demand lots of research to design the best suited diet plan for you.  The tips discussed above should help you embark on your budget friendly diet plan!


written by:  Ellen Spencer


Image courtesy of: greenphile / FreeDigitalPhotos.net