Things to Give Up for Lent

things to give up for lent
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Lent starts in 1 week! For many of us, Lent means self denial, so it's not exactly a season that we get all excited about like Christmas or Easter! Of course, we are also encouraged to do a little something extra during Lent! Giving up some of our comforts also helps us understand how much Jesus gave up for us.

Have you given any thought to what you will give up for Lent or what that little something extra might be? The Budget Diet girl is here to help with 10 ideas that will bring you back to the simple life – give up some of your daily comforts!

  • Go vegetarian for Lent! The Budget Diet will feature a vegetarian recipe each Friday during Lent to help you out!
  • Give up fast food! Why don't you use the money you save to donate to a local food bank?
  • Take 6 weeks off from facebook – suggest this one to your teens!
  • Bye bye Starbucks!
  • Eat in, not out for lunch! Hello brown bag!
  • Declare an electronic free hour each day…no TV, computer, cell phone…just time with family!
  • Get serious about recycling! Take care of God's Earth!
  • Walk or ride your bike instead of driving at least once a week. Could you walk or ride bikes with your children to school – you'll get a little exercise & save gas!
  • How about an alcohol free Lent?
  • 6 weeks without TV? Spend free time playing games and reading together as a family!

Please click on the title of this article to share what you plan to give up for Lent.