18 Mouthwatering Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers

It is common that there are too much leftovers after Thanksgiving Day dinner but don't throw those away because you can turn them into delicious dishes with these recipes.
Image source: thecookierookie.com

Thanksgiving Day is one of the most frugal holidays out there. For one thing, there are no gifts and you barely need to decorate. And of course, Thanksgiving leftovers are a budget-conscious mom's dream come true. Usually, it's cheaper to cook in bulk so we usually have more than we can eat in one sitting. Don't throw all that extra food away! You can turn leftover turkey and all those fixings into tasty, healthy dishes the entire family will enjoy for weeks to come. Here are over a dozen easy-to-follow recipes from @cookierookiebec for those leftovers. Just click the link below.

18 Mouthwatering Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers

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