For years, I admired those framed chalkboards & bulletin boards, but The Budget Diet girl inside of me couldn't justify spending $40+!
So, I figured out how to make a bulletin board or framed chalkboard for less than $10, and they make perfect teacher gifts!
Here's how to make your budget friendly framed chalkboard or bulletin board:
#1. Find an old picture frame of any size…these are easy to find at garage sales, flea markets, Goodwill (or even in your neighbor's trash) for just a few dollars!
#2. Take your frame to Michael's or Hobby Lobby and have them cut a piece of foam board to fit.
#3. If you're making a chalkboard…take the foam board home & paint it with chalkboard paint. Next…return to Michael's or Hobby Lobby and have them insert the foam board into the frame & finish the back.
#4. If you're making a bulletin board…buy a piece of burlap & take it to Michael's or Hobby Lobby…they will mount it on the foam board, insert the foam board into the frame & finish the back.
#5. Have you child write “Have a Great Summer” on the chalkboard OR write a thank you note to the teacher & pin it to the bulletin board.
Once you've mastered making these…you might just give them to all your friends & family! Just remember, always be on the lookout for old frames!
P.S. – The frame for my bulletin board was a curbside treasure (a.k.a. trash!), and the other frame was a $5 flea market find!