Ideas for Having a Halloween Party on a Budget

halloween party food

Several holidays are lurking just around the corner, and the economy is making it tough for people to figure out they are going to afford celebrating them all. This has many thinking that they must skip giving a Halloween party in order to save money for Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. There’s no need to miss … Read more

Save While School Supply Shopping

school supply list

School supplies can be expensive, but they don’t have to break your budget. Keep your finances intact while shopping for school supplies during this busy time of year with these simple tips.   Save Money on School Supplies   Stick to the List School supply shopping is a huge opportunity for companies to market to … Read more

Back to School Traditions

family traditions

Does your family have any back-to-school traditions? Maybe shopping for a new first day of school outfit or making a special treat for the first day of school lunch? Think of family traditions as inexpensive little ways to create lasting family memories…no matter how silly the tradition, it will be remembered for a lifetime! If … Read more