Reduce Your Grocery Bill – 4 Money Saving Strategies

Teri Gault, founder and CEO of, was intent on saving her family money. Her commonsense, home-style approach to good living included collecting coupons and matching them to grocery store sales. Eventually, this hobby became a passion. Teri would share her money-saving ideas with family and friends, who were more than impressed… Today, Teri shares some real money-saving ideas exclusively for The Budget

Reduce Your Grocery Bill


Be a Smart Investor: Yes, you CAN invest in groceries. This is the number one way to save money at your local market or drug stores, and can help you save hundreds of dollars every month. Most people shop each week for only what they need for THAT week… which often means they pay double for what they want. By buying common items like bread, butter, pasta, tuna, and peanut butter when they are on sale saves you tons of money. Items like these have long shelf lives and since you can stock up on everything except milk and produce, investing is a great way to maximize your savings. It’s as simple as buying what you will eventually need whenever you see it on sale. So, start stocking up!

Buy the “LIMIT”: So now it comes down to knowing at what price you should “INVEST”. A good rule of thumb is to pick up a sales ad as you enter the store. And keep an eye out for this word… “LIMIT.” When you see a limit on how many items you can get at a great sale price, it may indicate that it’s a “loss leader” – meaning it’s probably the lowest price you will see anywhere for a long time. So if it’s “limit 2” whole chickens at a great price… don’t buy just one! Buy two, one for tonight, and one for your freezer.
Gotta love a BOGO: That’s smart shopper lingo for “Buy One Get One” free. Without even having to do the math, you know that’s half off. This is the Investment opportunity I discussed above. Check the tiny date on the package and “invest” accord to what you’ll use in that time period or within 12 weeks, whichever one is less.

Go on a “Cherry picking” Expedition: New research shows that 40% more shoppers are getting the best deals by going to multiple stores. I call that “cherry picking”, which is getting the best of the best deals from a few stores, all within a short drive. Members of The Grocery Game, Inc.find deals for a winning cherry picking expedition when they log in and merge all stores for comparison shopping. Then they play any number of ways… by searching by key word to find the cheapest orange juice, yogurt, tuna, etc. Then, sorting all the stores by savings percent. They nab the best deals for investing. There’s limitless ways to play, and find the deals fast.

Scope out UN- advertised sales: Don’t miss out on ANY investment opportunities. 62% of the deals at The Grocery Game are sales that most stores don’t tell you about in their sales ad. There are hidden gems in every store.

Happy Shopping!


written by: Teri Gault


In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! My advice will always be unbiased and free, but free won’t pay the bills! Thanks!