Recycling Pays

make money recycling

Recycling really does pay…it's both earth friendly and budget friendly! Check out the stores with recycling programs that pay you cash or give you discounts.

Best Buy – Reusing is even better than recycling! The Best Buy Trade-In Program allows you to swap used (even broken) laptops, cell phones, cameras, computers, iPods and more for a Best Buy Gift Card. Of course, if the item is broken you won't get much, and if it's totally worthless at least they'll recycle it for you. – Gazelle offers a similar program to Best Buy, but it's all handled online. Enter the specifics about your item, they'll give you a quote and if you accept the quote…they'll send you a postage paid box for shipping. It couldn't be easier!

Staples, Office Depot & Office Max – Earn rewards points in exchange for recycling your ink cartridges.

Starbucks – Get a 10-cents discount if you bring in a reusable mug or cup.

Sell Your Stuff – You know the saying, “one mans trash is another man's treasure.” Think twice before you throw something away because you might be able to sell it, and you almost always can find a welcome recipient at places like Goodwill and The Salvation Army. I just made nearly $3000 at our moving/garage sale. In fact, according to Cari Cucksey (HGTV's Cash & Cari), “the average family has several thousand dollars worth of unwanted stuff lying around.” Isn't that enough to motivate you to clean-out?


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