Plan Your Major Purchases – Know The Best Time to Buy

Do you know when the best month of the year to buy a new car is?

Do you know when large appliances are on sale or how about electronics?

There really is a best time to buy everything, and The Best Time to Buy Guide gives you a month by month listing, so you can plan your major purchases this year!

Let's take a look at your best buys for January…

Big Appliances – Last year's models are on clearance this month.

Carpet and Flooring – We love to decorate our homes before the holiday but not so much in January – expect big sales.

Christmas Cards and Decorations – You'll save at least 75% by stocking up on Christmas cards and decorations.

Furniture – New furniture arrives in February, so stores need to make room. January is clearance month.

Gift Cards – This is the month that thousands of unwanted gift cards from Christmas are sold for less than face value. Buy discounted gift cards for up to 30% off at!
Linens – January has been the month for white sales since the late 1800's!

Motorcycles – If you live in a cold climate, this is the month to buy a motorcycle. Not true for our friends in Florida!

Outdoor Gear – Check out the clearance sales before the new merchandise arrives for the spring season.

Suits – Fall suits are now on sale.

Winter Coats – You need to warm up, and stores need to make room for spring!

Save money on major purchases this year by knowing the best time to buy. Check out the complete Best Time to Buy Guide with over 75 products listed by month.


In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! My advice will always be unbiased and free, but free won’t pay the bills! Thanks!

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