It’s the best kind of Snow Day!

snow day
Photo courtesy of Free Web Photos

I live in Houston, Texas where the average high in February is 65 degrees, so my teens were thrilled to experience a snow day on Friday! It didn't exactly look like the picture above because they really missed the forecast, and we didn't even get a flake of snow! Here's a picture of our Houston snow day – complete with green grass, palms and purple flowers!

snow day

This was probably the best kind of snow day because there was no snow to shovel! Houston came to a halt, and our snow day provided us a much needed day to relax and do nothing other than enjoy the simple pleasures that life has to offer!

  • Good-bye alarm clock, we all slept in!
  • Hello homemade breakfast of praline French toast!
  • An all day pajama day!
  • No school, no dance class, no scouts, no piano lesson, NOTHING!
  • A warm blanket, a good book and a roaring fire…delightful!
  • mmm…can you smell my best chocolate chip cookies?
  • Cuddled up enjoying a movie!


Why is it that we have to wait for holidays or snow days to relax and enjoy life?

Why is it that we have to wait for holidays or snow days for peace and quiet? It was as if Houston stopped for a day!

Already looking forward to our next snow day which could easily be 10 more years!