If You Can Iron, You Can Hem – Frugal Alterations

frugal living

Whenever you buy a new outfit, do you have to shell out another $15 – $20 for hemming?

Just because you can't sew doesn't mean you can't hem.

Stitch Witchery is your answer to frugal alterations because if you can iron, you can hem!

Here's how…

  1. Buy stitch witchery at a craft or sewing store like JoAnn's…it's just a few bucks.
  2. Iron your hem in place…cutting off excess fabric if necessary and turn up twice if you have a raw edge.
  3. Cut an 8″ piece of stitch witchery and place between the fabric layers of the hem you ironed in place.
  4. Set your steam iron on the wool setting.
  5. Cover with a damp cotton cloth and press the iron for 10 seconds on each side. Do not slide the iron.
  6. Repeat steps 3 – 5 until you've completed your hem.


That's it…you've just hemmed a pair of pants!
Ready to have some fun? Stitch witchery is not just for short people that have to hem everything, stitch witchery is ready to transform your wardrobe!

Do you have a skirt with an outdated hem length? Don't get rid of it, bring it back in style with stitch witchery! This summer I “saved” a few of my favorite dresses and skirts by updating their hem length with stitch witchery.

What will you stitch witchery today?


Image courtesy of CreativeDoxPhoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! My advice will always be unbiased and free, but free won’t pay the bills! Thanks!