Homemade Fruit and Vegetable Wash

Contaminated produce continues to make headlines and continues to make people sick.

money saving mom
Photo courtesy of Free Web Photos

When we had the tainted spinach scare last year, it was enough to make me splurge for a bottle of that expensive fruit and vegetable wash. A year later, this money saving mom is even wiser because I've learned to make my own homemade fruit and vegetable wash!

Do you really think that water will rinse away all the pesticides and chemicals on your produce? Even if you're buying organic produce, you probably need more than water to tackle the germs from the customer that coughed on your apple or the clerk that sneezed on your grapes.

And just think about how many people touched your tomato trying to find the right one! So, have I grossed you out and gotten your attention?

Exactly what is in that $6 bottle of Fit Fruit and Vegetable Wash? Purified water, oleic acid and glycerol, ethyl alcohol, potassium hydrate, baking soda, citric acid and distilled grapefruit oil. Our homemade produce wash will kill bacteria and dissolve both wax and pesticide residue. It's all natural and effective, and it sure beats a $6 bottle of Fit Fruit and Vegetable Wash.

Homemade Fruit and Vegetable Wash Recipe:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 2 TBS baking soda
  • 2 TBS lemon juice


  1. Mix together all ingredients in a deep bowl…it will fizz!
  2. Pour into a clean spray bottle.
  3. Spray fruits and vegetables generously.
  4. Let sit for 5 minutes.
  5. Rinse.
  6. Store any remaining produce wash in the refrigerator.

What are you waiting for, open up your pantry and mix up a bottle today! It's time to do battle with the dirt, pesticides, and bacteria!

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Ralph Landa
11 years ago

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Ken Kaufher
12 years ago

Looking at your fruit and veg wash recipe. Doesn’t the acid in the lemon and vinegar just neutral the base in the baking soda and make it ineffective?

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