Eliminate Your Dry Cleaning Bill

dry cleaner bill

Image: Carlos Porto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I've officially eliminated the dry cleaner from my “to-do” list, and I'm not missing the dry cleaning bill!

A few years ago, my husband splurged on the Travelers Collection dress shirts from Jos. A. Bank because they were wrinkle free shirts – no dry cleaning or ironing required! He justified the expense because he'd save $5 a week on dry cleaning. The shirts were wonderful, we washed and dried them (no ironing!) for about 3 years. So, let's do the math:

  • 5 Travelers Collection Shirts = $262.50 ($52.50 each – on sale)
  • Eliminate the weekly dry cleaning bill for 3 years = $750
  • Total Savings over the lifetime of the shirts = $487.50

Our dry cleaning savings got even sweeter when Costco introduced their own line of no-iron shirts for only $15.99! The quality appears to be just as good as Jos. A. Bank, so if he gets another 3 years out of these shirts…cha-ching! Look at the savings:

  • 5 Costco Kirkland brand no-iron Shirts = $79.95
  • Eliminate the weekly dry cleaning bill for 3 years = $750
  • Total Savings over the lifetime of the shirts = $670.05

$5 a week sure adds up fast! Give the no-iron dress shirt a chance unless your husband requires that crisp starch look!