DIY Marbled Jar: Add Glamour to Your Home

Add glamour and beauty to your home with this DIY marbled jar. With simple materials, you can turn a plain jar into a unique eye-catching centerpiece.

There are many ways to decorate a mason jar and today's DIY tutorial is a great addition to that long list. When colors start to stick to the jar, you will be amazed at the transformation. It is a colorful project that effortlessly adds glamour to your home.

What you need:

  1. Spray paint (Black, silver, gold)
  2. A basin of water
  3. Mason jar

Get the basin of water ready. Make sure you do this project in a well-ventilated place. But if indoors, open the windows and cover up.

First, spray black paint on the water then silver, black, and gold.

diy marbled jar
Step 1: Spray black paint into the basin of water.

Alternate colors until you achieve the desired marble pattern. Make sure not to hold it too close to the water or it will splash.

diy marbled jar
Step 2: Alternate the spray paint colors – black, silver black and gold – until the marbled pattern is achieved.

Gently submerge the jar into the basin. If the basin is not too deep, turn the jar around so the colors will stick to it. Let the jar dry for about 20 minutes. Get a piece of paper and scoop the remaining spray paint from the basin and throw it out.

diy marbled jar
Step 3:Submerge the mason jar for the colors to stick to it.

Once dry, run cuticle stick over the jar  to squeeze out the water without any damage. And you're done! A marbled jar for various occasions that's sure to be a conversation piece.

diy marbled jar
Step 4: Let it dry.

Watch How it is Done