DIY Halloween Wreath: An Eerie Door Decor

Halloween wreath that does not only beautify your door, but bring a scare to your neighbors. Easy to make with a few materials.

One creative and smart way to start the Halloween vibe is to decorate your door with this crafty wreath. Wreath is not only for Christmas or weddings, it is also a beautiful ornament this spooky Halloween. If you cannot wait to begin decorating, then read on for instructions.

What you need:

  1. 1 and 1/2 yard fabric (4 various prints)
  2. Wire wreath or old wire hanger
  3. Ornament

Cut the 4 fabrics into 1″ x 6″ strips.

diy halloween wreath
Step 1:Cut the 4 fabrics into 1″ x 6″ strips.

Grab one strip and slide into the first wire of wreath. Then, make a double knot. Take a different strip and repeat the step. Continue working on the first wire alternating the four different prints creating a pattern.

diy halloween wreath
Step 2:Tie the strip on the wire wreath and make a double knot.

Repeat the step on the succeeding wires making sure to stay with the pattern. Continue until the entire wreath is covered.

diy halloween wreath
Step 3:Do the same with other fabric strips creating a pattern.

Once done, you can add ribbon, wooden ghost or wooden letters. Grab a few wooden letters from a craft store to create the desired word. Glue wire at the back so you can easily attach it to the decor. Get it through the fabric and around the wire, then twist the wire at the back to secure it in place. Add the other letters of your word.

diy halloween wreath
Step 4:Once the entire wreath is covered with fabric, attach the wooden letters.

And you are done! A spooky Halloween wreath kids and adults will surely adore.

diy halloween wreath
Step 5:Hang the wreath on your door.

Watch How it is Done