Create a Cookbook!

how to make a recipe binder

Some of my favorite recipes are written by my mom (and grandmother) on index cards, and I'm sure my children will be asking for copies of these recipes when they grow up!

Thanks to modern technology, you can create a real cookbook from your treasured recipes for less than $20, and what a wonderful gift to give a college grad or bride to be!

This project doesn't really fall into the “quick” category, but once you've created your masterpiece, you'll be able to print copies each year when graduations and bridal showers roll around!

So…collect your recipes & start your fingers typing!

Next…choose one of the options below and soon your cookbook will be in print!

Cheapest Option – Make a Recipe Binder

  1. Type your recipes on your home computer, and make sure to save them!
  2. Print
  3. Insert into page protectors (found at office supply stores)
  4. Put the recipes into a 3-ring binder, and here are a few from Amazon.

If you're looking for a professional looking, bound cookbook…these websites were created just for you! offers recipe photo books starting at just $12, and their system is very easy to use! starting at just $19.95 for up to 100 pages!

Now…go unleash your inner Rachael Ray & bring your recipes to life!


In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! Thanks!