Chore Chart

chore lottery
Kick off the new year with a chore lottery…it's a fun way to divide up household chores!

You'll enjoy instant savings when you fire the housekeeper (and the lawn service) and make a chore chart!

Here's how The Budget Diet girl delegates chores…

  • Each child does 1 chore per day (Monday – Thursday).

  • If you have 2 children who are old enough to do chores, make a list of 8 age appropriate chores. If you have 3 children, make a list of 12 chores.

  • Suggested chores: dust & clean room, clean bathroom, dust living room, dust den, dust game room, sweep porch, feed the dog, get the mail, mop the kitchen, trim the shrubs, pull weeds, mow, wash the car, job of the week (a one time job that mom chooses like organize the game closet).

  • Chore lottery: once you've come up with a list of chores, write each one on a scrap of paper, put the scraps of paper in a jar & let the children choose their chores. Our family does “chore lottery” once a year, but you could certainly do it once a month or even every week to add to the “fun.”

  • Mom chores…save the more difficult chores for yourself (or the chores you are most picky about like vacuuming & kitchen cleaning), and do 1 per day along with the children.

  • Pay allowance at the end of the week.


P.S. – My friend's neighbor asked why her son mowed the lawn instead of the lawn service, and my friend replied, “we're in the business of raising responsible, hard working children.”

Let this be the year of the chore chart – you'll be teaching your children responsibility and give them the chance to earn a little money!


Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane /