Challenge: Don’t Pay Full Price for Anything This Week!

save money

Today begins our money saving challenge: DON'T PAY FULL PRICE FOR ANYTHING THIS WEEK!

So, how exactly will you meet this challenge?

At the grocery, use coupons, buy sale items or buy store brands.

Try shopping at Goodwill, flea markets and garage sales. You might be surprised by what you find! Over the weekend, my son bought a pair of Sperry's and Oakley sunglasses for a total of $10!

Postpone purchases that you can't find coupons or sales for, and you just might realize that you don't need that item.

Check out my complete list of money saving tips.

This challenge will not be easy, and there will be times when you just have to do without. If you can't find a discounted Starbuck's gift card or coupon, you might just have to brew your own! Remember, patience pays – STOP, THINK, SHOP!

Consider the category list on the left side of this page your money saving “cheat sheet”. If you're having a birthday party this week, click on the party index and discover how to throw a party for less. If you need to buy a gift this week, click on gifts and save! The Budget Diet girl can show you how to save money on just about anything!

Good luck and please share your money saving success stories! I'll be sharing my successes and struggles each day!