Become a Contributor

Do you have awesome content to share with our audience? We'd love to hear it!

Our Guest blogging program is aimed to help our readers learn tips from frugal experts on how to save & earn money when needed. If your agenda is to share mediocre content just to gain backlinks or trick search engines then stop reading now. We are not a good fit for you.


  1. Articles are emailed to hello [at] in RTF or Word Format (no PDFs please). You must be the author and the article must unique and not published anywhere else online or offline. Remember, the better & more helpful it is, the larger your audience will become.
    The article should include:

    1. A Title – This is important! If you're thinking of a title you should check out this study.
    2. Proper Formatting – Articles should be properly formatted (H1, H2, H3…etc)
    3. Please link to any external references you used while doing your research (no linking for the sake of passing ‘SEO juice')
    4. Feel free to link to relevant supporting helpful resources.  We suggest that you have 3-6 external links & 2-4 internal links depending on the total length of the post. External links are links to any other website like your blog, New York Times, Washington Post and so on. Internal links are hyperlinks to other articles on The Budget Diet.
  2. Excerpt – It is the short summary for your article. Read this great guide on writing excellent excerpts.
  3. Pictures (with proper credits/attribution) they should be crisp (good resolution & not enlarged) with minimum width of 450px.
    Your photo should be relevant to the content of the article and we prefer that it's in landscape (horizontal). Otherwise it will be trimmed when shared on social networks like Facebook.
  4. Headshot Photo (size: 125x125px ) which will appear below the article and in our experts page
  5. Bio (between 20-40 words) in third person POV. Example: “John is …” instead of “I am …”.  This will be published next to your headshot photo below the article

Guidelines & Code of Conduct

  1. Absolutely no duplicate content (plagiarism)
  2. Be nice and link to others appropriately
  3. Never write something that you know is not true
  4. Admit your mistakes and be accountable.


Please drop us a line at [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!