Learn to love your freezer, and you'll discover that it's a great way to save time and money! Here are 5 foods that you should be freezing…
- Casseroles – Get in the habit of doubling and freezing casseroles. A casserole is best if you freeze it uncooked, thaw it in the refrigerator (usually 2 days) and bake as instructed. You'll enjoy having a freezer full of “go to” meals!
- Soups, Chili's and Stews – This is another meal that freezes well, so double your recipes and freeze the leftovers. I often freeze soups in single serving microwavable containers.
- Baked Goods – My freezer is always full of cookies, bar cookies, brownies and pies because they freeze well and thaw quickly. I'm always eager to bring dessert to meetings and parties! If you want to freeze frosted cakes here's a great freezer tip – put the frosted cake on a plate, do not cover and put it in the freezer. Set your timer for an hour, and then wrap the cake in freezer paper. After an hour, the frosting will be solid, so you won't mess it up! Just remember to unwrap the cake when it's time to thaw.
- Dairy – Yes…you can freeze dairy products, so stock up on cheese and butter when they're on sale! Just put the entire package in the freezer, no special wrapping required.
- Fruit – If your bananas are getting a bit too spotted for your taste, chop and freeze. If peaches or berries are on sale, do the same, and you'll be ready to make Fruit Smoothies or my Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie!