100% Organic and Refreshing Cucumber Cooler Juice for Hot, Hot Season

Cucumber, celery and carrots combine to create a healthy and cool drink for the summer season. Cucumber cooler juice is packed with nutrients your body require everyday. Fill your glass and start a healthy life!

Cucumber Cooler Juice

Fruit juices may seem not appealing to taste but it is a healthy drink you must include in your diet. It may take time to appreciate it but in the end, you won’t regret it. Today, our hero is cucumber. Cucumber is a nutritious vegetable that effectively lowers blood pressure and keeps you hydrated especially during hot season. Celery also has the same benefits while carrots are good for eyes and skin.
Course Drinks
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 4
Author Kristl Story


  • Half a cucumber halved lengthways
  • 3 carrots peeled
  • 3 celery stalks tops trimmed off


  1. Just juice it like other fruit juice recipes and have fun!


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