10 Random Frugal Living Tips I’ve Learned This Year

frugal living tips
What's New Year's Eve without a countdown and a few fireworks?

Here's The Budget Diet's countdown of 10 Random Frugal Living Tips I've Learned This Year:

  1. Half Price Rotisserie Chickens – Rotisserie chickens are half price after 7:30 at our local grocery, so it's the perfect time to stock-up, chop-up & freeze! It's worth asking your grocer if they offer similar savings.
  2. Make Your Own DIY Teeth Whitening Products – Mix your mouthwash with peroxide (50/50) for an inexpensive teeth whitening rinse or create your homemade teeth whitener.
  3. Musty Smelling Towels? – if your towels have a musty smell, don't throw them away…simply add 1 cup of vinegar to your next load along with your regular laundry detergent. I promise, they won't smell like vinegar…they'll smell fresh and clean!
  4. E-bates – This is likely the easiest way to save money ! Whenever you're shopping on line, search for your store through the E-bates site, make your purchase and earn cash back! I just went to Ebates and bought a pair of shoes from Nordstrom, I received a coupon code for free shipping plus 3% cash back on my purchase! Ebates really does seem to good to be true, but they are simply sharing a portion of the commission they receive from the retailers for sending them customers. Click here to learn more about e-bates.
  5. Dial-A-Human – This one is more of a time saver, but remember…time is money! End your frustrations with automated phone systems by visiting DialAHuman.com first. They have the “secret codes” to quickly talk to a human at hundreds of companies.
  6. Free Diet – Earlier this year I discovered MyFitnessPal.com, it's a completely FREE diet website that helps you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals. You'll discover how many calories you should consume each day to get to a desired weight, you'll track your meals and get plenty of tips and encouragement along the way.
  7. Prescriptions from Canada – Ads for Canadian pharmacies are always popping up on the internet, and I've always ignored them and assumed they were a scam. I quickly changed my tune when the receptionist at my eye doctor showed me that I could buy my Restasis Eye Drops for $9 instead of $150 because Canada offers the generic. Shipping is slow, so CanadaDrug.com is best for prescriptions you take regularly, and don't forget to plan ahead! It's certainly worth asking your doctor about!
  8. Student Away Insurance Discount – When my son left for college, I called my insurance company to see if there were any discounts available since he wouldn't be taking a car. I learned they offer a substantial “student away” discount, and he's still covered if he borrows a friends car and when he's home for the summer. Sometimes you must ask to receive!
  9. Free Printables – This year I was introduced to the big wide world of free printables, and they've been my frugal go-to gift for all occasions. A free printable is like having your own personal graphic artist in your printer…search the internet and you will find free printables for holidays, free printable greeting cards, free printable organizers and more! My favorite? “Keep Calm and Jingle On” – I printed this festive saying and used inexpensive black frames for teacher and neighbor gifts. Check out 101 Free Printables and start imagining how you can use them!
  10. Pinterest.com – Without a doubt, Pinterest.com is my favorite frugal living discovery of 2011! It's your own virtual bulletin board where you can collect and “pin” photos of just about anything! I've put together boards of homemade gifts, $5 gifts, inexpensive decorating ideas and crock pot recipes. Of course, not all the ideas on Pinterest are frugal, so be careful that you're not tempted to buy the latest fashions or spurge on an amazing piece of furniture!

Here's to a frugal 2012!

What are your favorite frugal living tips? Please leave a comment to share!


Image courtesy of: Vlado / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! My advice will always be unbiased and free, but free won’t pay the bills! Thanks!

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Bonnie w
11 years ago

Instead of expensive under cabinet drawer pull outs use clean leftover liquor boxes. They have deviders and will hold your cleaning supplies or whatever nicely. Best of all they are FREE ! They can also be cut down to fit

Courtney~Mommy LaDy Club
12 years ago

I love your musty towels, teeth whitening and dial a human tips! These are great, and the free diet thing is cool too!

12 years ago

Great list! There were some that I haven’ t heard of yet. Thanks!

12 years ago

Great list of saving opportunities here. I need to check out the ebates site with all of the online shopping I do. 🙂

Pamela R
12 years ago

these all sound so wonderful–I think I’ll be checking out 101 Free Printable for sure—I love the teeth whitening tip too!

Have a great 2012!
Popping by with vB =)

12 years ago

These are great! I didn’t know that about the rotisserie chickens. I will check my local stores. Something tells me they don’t do it around here 🙁
visiting from vB.

12 years ago

I love these tips!! I had never known about adding peroxide to my toothpaste, great tip!! I have so been enjoying your site!! You have such great ideas!! Thanks!!

Jennifer Ward
12 years ago

This is a great list! I love living frugal and your site. Have you ever tried shop at home or have you compared it to E-bates I am looking for a site to use and was not sure which was better. Have a great 2012!

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