10 Items You Might Be Surprised to Find at Aldi

aldi shopping tips

I'm a frugal foodie (if there is such a thing!)…I love to cook, I love gourmet ingredients, but I'm very frugal when it comes to my grocery bill. I've had a love/hate relationship with the gourmet food section of my grocery for a long, long time. I love walking through the aisles and looking at the food, but I just can't justify the prices. It's always sticker shock at the register.

When Aldi arrived in our neighborhood, I expected a low price grocery. It is, but it's not your typical low price, low quality grocery. In fact, when you walk in, you'll see a big sign that says…

“Aldi Truth #1: When deciding between eating well and saving money, always choose both.”

I like that, and I like Aldi.

If you’re not familiar with Aldi, it’s a no-frills grocery store that promises to save you up to 50%! These guys make Walmart look expensive, but it takes some getting used to, so please read my Aldi Shopping Tips to maximize your savings.

10 Items You Might Be Surprised to Find at Aldi – Savor and Save!
Note: The Aldi products listed are all store brands, and I did a price comparison with Publix. When available, I compared store brand to store brand. If a store brand was not available at Publix, I've noted it. By the way, Aldi is so confident you’ll love their store brands that they’ll replace the product AND refund your money if you’re not 100% satisfied!

aldi review

Specialty Cheeses
Aldi Store Brand: Brie $2.69 or Flavored Goat Cheese $1.69
Publix Store Brand: Brie $6.79 or Flavored Goat Cheese $2.99
Savings on Brie: $2.10

aldi review

Aldi Store Brand: 20¢ per ounce
Publix Store Brand: 37¢ per ounce
Savings on an 8 oz. Package: $1.39

aldi shopping tips

Aldi Store Brand: 14¢ per ounce
Publix Store Brand: 43¢ per ounce
Savings on a 7 oz. package: $1.99

Refrigerated Three Cheese Tortellini
Aldi Store Brand: $1.99
Publix Buitoni Brand: $3.99
Savings: $2.00

Almond Milk
Aldi Store Brand: $2.49
Publix Blue Diamond Brand: $3.35
Savings: 86¢


Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal
Aldi Store Brand: 18¢ per ounce
Publix Name Brand (on sale this week): 18¢ per ounce
Savings: It's a tie, but it's nice to know you can buy the store brand and not have to wait for a sale!


Special K Protein Meal Bars
Aldi Store Brand: $3.99
Publix Name Brand: $6.99
Savings: $3.00


Baby Lettuce
Aldi: $2.19
Publix: $4.29
Savings: $2.10


Dark Chocolate
Aldi Store Brand: 28¢ per ounce
Publix Ghirardelli Brand: 74¢ per ounce
Savings on an 8 oz. Bar: $3.68


I'm certainly not a wine connoisseur, but I love that Aldi offers a nice selection of $5 bottles that get great reviews!

Not counting the wine, the total savings on these 9 items is $17.12! WOW…imagine the savings on your entire grocery bill!

Do you have any favorite specialty items that you buy at Aldi? Please leave a comment to share your favorites Aldi best buys, so we can keep this list growing and share the savings.


This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Aldi for One2OneNetwork. Don’t worry…all opinions are 100% mine!

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10 years ago

After your last Aldi article, I went to the new one in Missouri City. It was just like i remember it from when I used to shop there in Ill. With one giant exception. I did not notice years before or they didn’t have brie. It was a long time ago though, so things may have changed. I actually had an all Aldi dinner tonight. It was great and I am committed to Aldi when my budget is tight but me appetite is not. I was so excited when I got there I text my friend as I was shopping. She went the following weekend. LOL. I told her about the blush Moscato and we both decided that we would have to try it soon.

10 years ago

I had no idea that Aldi has brie cheese! I decided last night to serve a baked brie as a appetizer for Thanksgiving dinner and now I know where to go to get it!

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