If you're a teenager and have a knack or interest in writing, I have some great news. You can actually turn your talent for writing into a way to make money online!
Thanks to writing jobs for teens, you can make money by using different freelance job websites or even starting your own website.
I make most of my income from freelance writing, but I've been writing ever since I was in high-school, so I definitely think this is a realistic side hustle for teens.
So, if you're ready to make money writing, this list of the best freelance writing jobs for teens is for you.
The Best Writing Jobs For Teens
Generally, there are several ways to make money with freelance writing, and this extends to freelance teen writing jobs:
- Article Writing: This is what I do for a living, and it involves writing content for brands and blogs that usually target specific questions or topics readers are asking about.
- Copywriting: With copywriting, you're responsible for editing website copy and other brand copy to effectively communicate with customers, stick to a brand voice, and market products/services better.
- Creative Writing: There are lots of ways to make money with creative writing, ranging from magazine writing to writing short stories or even poems for different publications.
- Social Media Writing: Like copywriting, another type of online writing job for teens is to write social media captions and content for brands.
So, decide on the type of freelance writing work you're most interested in and what you're best at. Then, you're ready to search for writing jobs for teens so you can make extra money!
1. Freelancer.com
One of the best ways to find online writing jobs for teens is to search for work on Freelancer.com.
Freelancer.com is a popular remote job site and freelancer job board that offers much more than just writing gigs.
However, article writing gigs and creative writing gigs are popular on Freelancer.com. And the best part is that you can join if you're 16 or older!
Freelancer.com lets you showcase your writing portfolio as well, so be sure to upload or link to any pieces you've written so potential clients know your style.
You have to apply to jobs directly, but you can find plenty of writing gigs, with some gigs paying hundreds of dollars!
Just note: many gigs use a bidding system, so you have to submit your project price and compete with other freelancers to land work.
2. Reddit For Hire
While you might think of Reddit as being a place to look at memes and internet news, there's actually plenty of ways to make money with Reddit.
And this is great news if you want to find writing jobs for teens because Reddit lets you create an account if you're 13 or older. As for finding teen writing jobs, you have several options.
The first is to post your services or apply to gigs on Reddit For Hire, the platform's most popular freelance subreddit.
People post writing gigs here quite regularly, and you can comment on threads to express your interest and then negotiate from there with the client.
Writing-specific subs like Hire a Writer are also great places to look for article writing jobs for teens or even the occasional creative writing assignment.
3. Your Own Blog
While this isn't a way to make money quickly, blogging is one of the most lucrative options out there to make money writing in the long-run.
I also think blogging is one of the best ways for teenagers to make money because it teaches you so many skills and can turn into a full-time business.
For example, The Budget Diet earned about $1,700 in its first year.
But in its fourth year, I made $92,000 blogging and basically became a full-time blogger! And in 2022, The Budget Diet made $272,000.
Starting my blog also opened so many doors and changed my life by letting me:
- Become a better writer
- Get my first job out of college
- Start a career as a freelance writer
- Start traveling the world as a digital nomad making money on my laptop
In short, no other online writing job for teens can change your life quite as much as a blog.
And there are plenty of ways to make money with a blog, ranging from running ads with companies like Mediavine and Monumetric to affiliate marketing.
I mean, Mediavine ads alone help me make $300 a day or more, and this is largely passive income at this point!
For teens, my advice is to pick a blogging niche you're very interested in and to then learn the basics of search engine optimization (SEO).
From there, if you write consistently and keep on learning, there's no telling where your blog might end up after a few months or years.
4. Medium
If you like the idea of blogging but want a slightly easier writing job for teens, you can always try making money on Medium.
Medium is a free blogging platform where you can write about practically anything.
And, when paid Medium members read your stories or articles, you earn a bit of money.
When I was writing on Medium, I made $1,000 pretty quickly, and it turned into a nice source of passive income for a few years before I stopped using the platform and focused on my blog.
What's cool about Medium is that plenty of categories are popular, so you can make money writing about:
- Art
- Business
- Cryptocurrency
- Fashion
- History
- Politics
- The environment
- Social issues
- Video games
And again, it's completely free to start, and an advantage of sites like Medium is that they are very beginner-friendly and don't require any technical knowledge.
Granted, this isn't a traditional freelance writing job for teens.
But if you want control over your content, I definitely think blogging or Medium are worth trying.
5. Fiverr
Another way to find online writing jobs for teens is to sell your skills as a freelancer on Fiverr.
Fiverr is a massively popular freelancer marketplace, and I've actually hired 10+ freelance writers from Fiverr in the past.
Fiverr is also great for teenagers because you can create a profile if you're 13 or older.
Once you sign up, you list the Fiverr gigs you offer and your prices. From there, people can hire you to help with their projects.
The downside of Fiverr is that it's very competitive, and it takes time to find clients and to get five-star reviews that help your profile stand out from the crowd.
But if you price yourself competitively and stick with it, there's no reason why you can't find online teen writing jobs through Fiverr and slowly grow your freelance client list.
6. Upwork
Like Fiverr, Upwork is another common way to find online writing jobs for teens.
The main difference between Fiverr and Upwork is that Upwork lets you apply to jobs and pitch clients, so you can search for writing gigs yourself.
You still have a freelancer profile where you showcase your work and testimonials, so it's important to build up your reputation over time.
However, Upwork has so many writing jobs, and many are beginner friendly and perfect for new freelance writers.

My advice is to start with some easy Upwork jobs for beginners. Even if they don't pay much, you can get positive reviews from clients which helps you land higher-paying clients in the future.
Note: You have to be 18 or older to use Upwork, so this is the best way to find writing jobs for teens if you're in your final year and to then use it as a college side hustle when you're older!
7. Indeed Teen Writing Jobs
In my opinion, one of the easiest ways to find writing jobs for teens online is to search on job boards like Indeed.
A quick search for “teen writing jobs” on Indeed brings up hundreds or even thousands of results.
Here are some cool teenage writing jobs I found with my search:
- Student Youth Reporter ($16 per hour)
- Basic digital marketing position for a small business ($13 per hour)
- Social media assistant ($10 per hour)
The downside is many jobs are targeting adults and require more experience.
However, searching for work as a student reporter or to help out with social media copywriting are two strategies to find more entry-level writing work.
8. Facebook Groups
If you're still wondering how to find writing jobs for teens, one option you can explore is to join various writing and blogging Facebook Groups.
Facebook is home to thousands of groups with writers and content creators in various niches. And, a lot of these creators and brands post job leads since they always need writers.
I've personally found online jobs and paid writing gigs by using Facebook before. In fact, one of my most lucrative gigs came from a group that was full of personal finance writers.
Plus, Facebook is completely free, so you can look for writing jobs without worrying about membership fees. And age requirements aren't an issue if you're freelancing for people.
9. Freelance On Your Own
One final way to find writing jobs for teens is to just dive into freelancing yourself.
This is what I did when I quit my marketing job and moved down to Colombia, and it was the best decision I ever made.
In a nutshell, freelancing on your own means you pitch clients, create your own schedule, and are really in charge of your own destiny.
Personally, I think this is the most lucrative way to make money with writing, and it also gives you the freedom to work with the type of clients you want.
My advice for teenagers is to pitch clients like local businesses or even bloggers in a niche they're interested in to get your first writing gig.
I've had people pitch me all the time, and pitching other blogs and publications is actually how I got my start with freelance writing.
The downside is growing your roster of freelance writing clients takes time, and you can lose clients as well, which impacts your income.
But for a teenage side hustle and to potentially build your own career, it's an excellent option. I also made a YouTube video that explains how you can get started with freelance writing.
The video covers everything from picking your niche to pitching clients, and it's the process I used to make $5,000 a month or more with freelance writing!
Extra Reading – The Best Ways To Make Money Online For Beginners.
Tips For Making Money With Online Teen Writing Jobs
Now that you know where to find online writing jobs for teens, here are some tips you can keep in mind to increase your chances for success!
Be Transparent
Another tip for landing teen writing jobs is to always be transparent with your age and experience level.
Many people are willing to give young writers their first gig or opportunity, but you need to be honest about your experience and what you bring to the table.
That's not to say you should sell yourself short or work for free. However, be honest and transparent with clients to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Build A Portfolio
Building a freelance writing portfolio is crucial for pitching clients and landing jobs. After all, you need to showcase your writing skills before someone is confident to pay you for your work.
For teenagers, you can build a free Wix site or simple WordPress blog that showcases some of your writing.

This can include essays or school assignments, although my advice is to also write some pieces on your own for the niche you're interested in freelance writing for so you have relevant work to showcase.
My new eBook, Freelance Writing For Freedom, covers exactly how to do this and how to land your first paid writing gigs, so check it out!
Ask Your Parents For Help
One final tip for landing teen writing jobs is to ask your parents for help.
When you make money online, you generally need some sort of PayPal account or online bank where you can accept payments. And depending on your age, you're going to need a parent or guardian to open this type of account for you so you can get paid for your work.
Extra Reading – How To Make $100 A Day Online Guaranteed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can A 14 Year Old Do Freelance Writing?
Yes, you can make money with freelance writing at 14 years old or even younger. Marketplaces like Fiverr and websites like Reddit let you sign up if you're 13 or older, and you find freelance writing clients on both of these websites.
Can You Be A Freelance Writer In High School?
Yes, you can make money as a freelance writer even if you're in high school. Many websites and online writing jobs accept writers from 13 to 16 years old or older, which is perfect if you're in high school. You can also pitch clients yourself to make money as a freelance writer while you're a student.
Extra Reading – The Best Free Online Jobs That Pay Daily.
Final Thoughts
I hope this list of the best writing jobs for teens helps you land your first writing gigs and ultimately become a better writer!
Just remember to have patience here.
It can take a while to land your first client and to find steady work. But if you work on improving your writing and stick with it, writing can become an incredibly lucrative digital side hustle or even full-time career!
If you want to find even more ways to make money online as a teen, you can also watch my YouTube video on the topic!
The video covers ideas like freelance writing, Etsy print on demand selling, some top survey sites for teens, and plenty of other cool side hustles!
Best of luck!
Looking for other money-making ideas for teens? Checkout:
- The Best Online Tutoring Jobs For Teens.
- How To Earn $50 Per Day.
- The Best Online Tutoring Jobs For College Students.