Trendy Teenager Approved Clothing For Less!

clothing budget for teens

If you have a teenager, you've probably discovered that they don't want their clothes to come from Walmart anymore, but your budget won't allow for the latest trends! It might be time to consider a clothing allowance for your teen, so you can save your money, and they can learn about budgeting!

The best way to establish a clothing allowance is to determine how much you can afford on a monthly basis. Next, let your teenager know that you'll be giving them “x” amount each month, and they are expected to buy all their clothing. If they really want an expensive item, they'll have to learn to budget for it, or they'll have to learn to shop at resale shops or on Ebay

Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle & Aeropostale are in high demand, and if you've shopped these stores you've discovered the high prices! Don't fret…introduce your teen to www.PlatosCloset or Ebay for trendy, teenager approved, gently used, name brand clothing. Go online to find a location near you.

I took my 12 year old daughter to Plato's Closet for the first time this week, and she loved it! After one hour of shopping, she had found 3 pairs of jeans, 3 shirts and 2 purses for a total of $60…all trendy and teenager approved! Just imagine how many items you would get for $60 in the mall…maybe two?

If you're like me, we're forever preaching to our children that money doesn't grow on trees, so let this be a lesson in budgeting for your teen. When it's time for them to go clothes shopping, give them a clothing allowance, and let them make the choice…a couple items from the mall or a new spring wardrobe from Plato's Closet or Ebay.

Happy Shopping!


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In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! My advice will always be unbiased and free, but free won’t pay the bills! Thanks!