Top 10 List of Why I Love Lists

making lists
I love lists, all kinds of lists – grocery lists, to-do lists, vacation planning lists, Christmas shopping lists – lists are liberating! There's just something about the feeling of making a list and then checking off that list!

Do you love lists?

Check out my Top 10 List of Why I Love Lists (and you should too)!

10. Lists help me feel organized and in control rather than flying by the seat of my pants.

9. Lists are a great tool for defragmenting your brain!

8. A written list will help you sleep! In the movie, “I Don't Know How She Does It”, Sarah Jessica Parker says, “Instead of sleeping, I do THE LIST.” You know what she's talking about, making that list in your head when you should be sleeping. Get the list out of your head and onto paper, so you can get some sleep.

7. Lists help you save money. I promise you'll spend more at the grocery if you don't have a list!

6. Lists allow me to plan my day.

5. Ahhh, that wonderful feeling that comes with checking everything off your to-do list!

4. I love to plan, and I do my planning in the form of lists like my Christmas shopping list or my weekly meal planning list.

3. You'll save time with a list! Have you ever gone to the grocery without a list, racked your brain to remember all the ingredients for the cake and then returned home to discover that you forgot something?

2. Lists are gentle little reminders that can go with you anywhere.

1. Truth be told, maybe I'm just getting old, and I need lists to remember everything!

If you're not in the habit of making lists and using lists, you might want to check out List Plan It – they have hundreds of lists that you can download to help you put your world in order!


Image courtesy of: 89studio /


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