Today is National Cancel Day

cancel day

Actually, The Budget Diet girl made up National Cancel Day, but it is a great idea.

This is the day you're going to cancel memberships, subscriptions and services you don't use, AND return or exchange items in your closets that still have tags.

The end result will be money in your pocket!

Let's get National Cancel Day started!

Here are a few suggestions to get you in the canceling mode. Of course, we all have different memberships and services, so consider this list a little nudge to get you thinking about any memberships, subscriptions or services that you're not really using.

Do you really need your AAA membership? If you're driving a car that's under warranty, chances are roadside assistance is included. As far as those AAA discounts, there are many other sources for discounts that you don't have to pay for. The Budget Diet girl always suggests doing a simple internet search for discounts. For example: Disneyworld discounts or Hampton Inn hotel discounts.

Do you have stacks of magazines that you haven't had time to read? They always entice you with a great subscription rate, but if you're not reading it, the great rate really doesn't matter.

DO NOT ever sign-up for auto-renewal on anything because everyone's needs can always change. It's better to take a serious look at that renewal notice each year, and determine if it's worth your money.

How about your cable service? Are you paying for a package that gives you more than you really want? Take a moment to call to see if there's a cheaper option that will still meet your needs. While you're at it, do the same for your phone, internet and cell phone service.

Got Netflix?

What about that gym membership? I know you're going to get serious about exercising next week, but remember you can get fit for free with The Budget Diet's collection of home workouts – no equipment required!

Now the fun part…gather up anything in your closets that still has a tag on it. Face the facts…you haven't worn it or used it, so free up some closet space and make some money. If you no longer have the receipt, there's a chance you can exchange the item for store credit. On the other hand, if that dress with tags has been hanging in your closet for a long, long time…opt for a trip to the consignment shop.

Ahhhh…don't you feel powerful and a wee bit richer?