There’s more to life than errands!

Weekly Challenge – Reduce your time running errands!


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Twas' the week before Christmas, and you're running around
shopping and stressing…no peace to be found!

Take a deep breath and keep your cool.
Isn't there more to life than errands and carpool?

If you want to spend less time running errands, you must plan ahead! Planning ahead takes time, but it will save you time in the long run!

Think about it…

It may take an hour to plan your meals for the week and make a grocery list, but that hour of planning will save you 5 trips to the grocery! The 1 hour of planning will save you both time and money. I'm amazed how many people consider a trip to the grocery store just part of their everyday routine.

When you're planning your meals and making your grocery list, make sure to look at the calendar. Do you need to bake cookies for the scout meeting? Did you sign up to bring snacks for the soccer game? Add these items to your grocery list, and reduce your running around.

Here's your plan to get through these last days before Christmas…

#1. Why don't you spend just 30 minutes today making a list of everything you still need to do for Christmas. Make a list of the last minute gifts you need to buy. Look at all your gifts and make sure you have a box our gift bag for them. Do you still have gifts to ship? How about the grocery list for Christmas dinner, and don't forget the cookies for Santa!

#2. Look at your list and see if there are any items that you could simply skip! Remember needs vs. wants!

#3. Shop efficiently! Could you skip Best Buy and the Sporting Goods store, and make 1 trip to Target or Walmart? Just think, you could get your groceries there too!

#4. Shop early! You'll be in and out of the stores twice as fast if you get there first thing in the morning…less traffic on the streets and shorter lines in the stores!

#5. Come home, lock yourself in your room, turn on some festive music and start wrapping!

Stick to this plan, and it will all be merry and bright!