Summer Fun: Play Dough, Slime, Moon Sand, and More

make your own play dough Kids of all ages love playing with play dough. Did you know that you can make it yourself, with only a few ingredients and very little expense? Here is a recipe for making your own play dough, plus slime, moon sand…everything your child needs to keep busy for hours this summer.

Homemade Play Dough
2 c. flour
1 c. salt
4 tbsp. cream of tartar
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 c. water
Food coloring
Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar, and vegetable oil together in a medium sauce pan. Stir in water and continue stirring for 3 to 5 minutes, until the dough pulls away from the sides of the pan and becomes a ball.
Remove pan from heat. Add food coloring and knead until the play dough is the desired color and consistency. Let cool. Store the play dough in a gallon sized ziploc bag. The play dough will keep in the ziploc bag for about a month.


Peanut Butter Play Dough
2 c. peanut butter
1/2 c. powdered milk
Approximately 6 tbsp. honey
Try this fun recipe for edible play dough. Mix the above ingredients together in a small bowl, adding only enough honey so that the mixture resembles the texture and consistency of regular play dough.
Have your children wash their hands first and have them play with this on a clean surface. A great treat for snack time! You probably won't have much play dough left over for next time.


Homemade Slime or Flubber
Slime is always a big hit with kids. It has a great rubbery texture that is so fun to play with and will keep your kids entertained for hours. It is also very easy to make.
8 oz. white school glue
1 1/2 c. water
1 tsp. Borax
Borax is a laundry boosting agent. You can find it in the laundry section of the grocery store. It is only a couple of dollars for a box of it.
Pour the glue into a small bowl. Mix the Borax and the water in a separate bowl, adding a few drops of food coloring if desired.
Slowly pour the Borax and water mixture into the glue. It will instantly start turning into “slime”. Let your kids mix completely with their hands.
Store in a quart sized ziploc bag. The slime will last several months if kept stored in a sealed container.


Moon Sand
You can buy pre-made moon sand, but it is expensive. You can make your own with a few simple ingredients.
8 c. flour
1 c. baby oil
Place the flour and baby oil together in a large bowl and mix together with your hands. It should resemble the consistency and texture of soft sand.
Place the moon sand in a large plastic tub and give to your child to play with their favorite sand toys. This is a great activity for a lazy summer day or a rainy day.
There are many fun crafts that you can make with your kids at home, many with simple ingredients like these that you probably already have on hand. Help your children explore and develop their imaginations with creative hands-on activities, while having fun and spending time together too.


written by:  Charles Hayden



Image courtesy of kraifreedom /