Introduction: The Biggest Lie We Tell Ourselves
One of the biggest lies that we tell ourselves is that if we have a gym membership, we will use it. Don't make me laugh. I've had my gym membership for over a year now and can count how many times I've gone into that building on one hand. I'm not the only one like this. Most of us have busy lives where we just can't find the time to make it to the gym. Others have kids, jobs, housework, and a variety of other things that they need to get done instead of devoting an hour or more to the gym. Not only is lack of time one big setback, memberships are expensive as well. They can cost you anywhere between $20 to $100 if not more a month. That's why working out at home is cheaper, more practical, and still just as effective!
Choose An At Home Workout
At home workouts are great! That's because you're the one in charge. You get to decide which body parts you need to target and how much time you want to spend. No longer do you have to run aimlessly on a treadmill at the gym or stand around waiting for a machine to open up. The internet is a great place to scope out potential workouts, but just keep in mind that variety is the spice of life. You don't want to do crunches over and over again because your body will become used to it, and you won't see results. Instead, do a mix of strength and cardio workouts. Find different challenges. Most importantly, have fun.
#1 One Month Squat Challenge

One month workout challenges are great because they keep things fun and exciting, and you will see results in no time. There is no shortage of these workouts online. One of the most popular one-month challenges is the squat challenges which will totally transform your butt. Who doesn't want that? The squat workout has you starting out with 15 reps. Then, each day you can add 5-10 more. At the end of the month, you should be able to easily do over 100. Since variety is key, the squat challenge will have you toss in different squats. You don't want your body to get used to the basic squat. Therefore, it'll have you doing kickback squats, jump squats, oblique squats, and more.
#2 100 Day Push-Up Challenge

The 100-day push-up challenge is another great one! Simply do 100 pushups every day for a month. You'll see a difference in your arms, abs, and legs. That's because push-ups are full body workouts that will build muscle! Many people don't realize this but you'll soon feel other body parts get stronger. This workout is perfect for beginners because you don't have to do 100 all at once. You can space them throughout your day. At the end, you'll amaze yourself by being able to knock out 100 in no time!
#3 Couch To 5k And Other Similar Workouts

If you're trying to stay in shape or lose weight then it's important to incorporate cardio into your workout routine. You don't need a gym to get the most out of your cardio. Running outside has clear advantages over a treadmill at the gym. Many people struggle with running and high-intensity cardio workouts, therefore workouts like ‘Couch to 5k' are great! They start you off running for short periods of time combined with intervals of walking. At the end of the month, you'll be running a 5k with ease.
#4 Workout DVDs Help You Work Up A Sweat

One of the best workouts is to simply get your body moving! You can dance, do karate, jump up and down, and kickbox your way into fitness! All of these can be done with a DVD. If you have a hobby you already love, you can turn it into a way to burn fat. Do you love to dance? Try a Zumba DVD. Love to feel your whole body burn? Try Ignite's 900 calorie burning DVD or a Jillian Michaels workout. You can easily find great DVDs that will help you get moving without ever having to leave your home!
#5 Yoga For Fitness

Yoga is a great and relaxing way to get into shape. Not only is Yoga good for your mind but it's also good for your body and soul. That's because Yoga combines stretching along with meditation. Yoga can be done in the comfort of your home. All you need is a mat or rug, and a Yoga regime that you'd like to follow. You can do a beginners Yoga workout, one that targets abs or arms, or even something longer like a 30-day challenge.
#6 Riding Your Bike

Riding your bike is a frugal hack that more and more people are catching onto. You can take your bike to work each day or out for a short 30-minute ride, and you'll see results. Not only are you getting in shape, but you're also saving money on gas and parking. Biking is also a great family-friendly activity!
#7 Take A Walk For Weight Loss

Walking has immense health benefits and could add years to your life! Not to mention, it's relaxing especially after a nice dinner. Walks don't have to be 5 miles long at a fast paced in order for you to see results. You can simply go for short strolls around your block until you can get to 10,000 steps a day! Walking helps you get in shape and stay in shape. The fresh air is also great for your body.
Conclusion: You Don't Need Much To Work Out From Home
There you have it, gym memberships are great for some people but they're not a necessity for everyone. You can get the same great results from at home!