Saving Strategies: Rein in Your Finances

It happens to the best of us, sometimes those pesky finances get out of control and we’re left running after them desperately trying to regain our composure. Fortunately, even if your finances have gone awry, there are ways that you can put them back in order without spending money on a financial advisor. How to … Read more

Eight Excellent Money-Saving Tips for Students

college student money saving tips

  Money Saving Tips for Students   1. Plan Ahead It seems tedious and somewhat laborious for those not used to financial responsibility, but a quick spreadsheet for planning out a budget can be very useful. Put aside a couple of hours before term starts, find all your paperwork, log on to your bank accounts; … Read more

The Psychological Dangers of Credit Cards

dangers of credit card rewards

Are credit cards a danger to you or not? If you ask most people that question, they’ll probably say something like “As long as I pay my credit card bills in full each month, they’re not a problem.” Well guess what? They might still be a danger, even if you do pay you them in … Read more

Three Important Money Lessons to Teach Your Children

money lessons for children

What and how your child learns about money matters are life-long lessons. What is your child learning? There are three important money lessons to teach your children. Adults are faced with a number of financial tasks including budgeting, paying bills and saving for retirement. When they have kids, people become responsible for a lot more … Read more

Ways Women Can Get Free Money to Start a New Business

Are you having a difficult time finding a job that pays enough to support your family? Have you been looking for work for an extended period without success? Do you feel trapped in a job that does not offer any challenges or satisfaction? Do you have some unique ideas, talents or skills that you feel … Read more

Five Awesome ways to Force Yourself to Stick to a Budget

If you have been proactive enough to develop a budget, the only thing standing in your way to success is committing and following through. Here are some helpful hints to help you stick to even the tightest financial plan. Keep it Fresh Make a habit of reviewing your budget on a regular basis. Keeping your … Read more

Saving Money on Heating & Air Conditioning Costs

save money on air conditioning

Heating and air conditioning costs constitute a major portion of your electricity bill. You can cut costs significantly by following these easy tips.   5 Tips for Saving Money on Heating & Air Conditioning   Maintain Your System Just like a car needs to be properly maintained for high efficiency, you should also keep your … Read more

Tips for Teaching Kids Good Money Management

teaching kids money management

Unfortunately, in many high schools around the country, kids don’t learn about finance and how to manage money. The earlier you start to teach your child about good money management skills, the more likely he will have the skills necessary to be financially independent by the time he’s legally an adult. Here are a few … Read more

5 Everyday Saving Tips

save money

With all the necessary expenses of daily life, saving money may seem like an impossible challenge. There are, however, a number of relatively simple tricks that can help you shave hundreds of dollars a year off some of those things you can’t do without. Everyday Saving Tips Update Your Cable and Cell Phone Plans Typically, … Read more

What Happens To Credit You Owe If You Die?

The financial consequences of death can be an uncomfortable topic to think about. However, with planning, a person can make sure that their family and loved ones are taken care of when the time does come. Say Goodbye to Unsecured Debts Upon death, a person’s assets pass into a legal estate in his or her … Read more