Money Saving Motivation!

save your money

I named my blog The Budget Diet because saving money is so much like dieting! Diets require effort. Saving money requires effort. Diets are successful when you change your eating habits. Saving money becomes easier when you change you spending habits. When we go on a diet, we give up some of our favorite foods … Read more

Gourmet Dog Food for a Fraction of the Cost

Gourmet dog foods are popping up everywhere! There’s a refrigerated dog food case in my grocery, and a Whole Food Pet Market down the street. Nutritionally, these products are great. Affordable? Not so much. In fact, more of these foods cost more than my dinner!

Best Apps to Teach Kids About Money

games to teach kids about money

We try to teach our kids to count their money, and give them weekly allowances, hoping that witnessing the exchange of money for goods will help them learn the value of a dollar, but it can be hard to teach finances to little people who’ve never worked for a paycheck or had to pay bills. … Read more

Four Astonishing Auto Insurance Cost Cutters

types of auto insurance discounts

Most motorists know that they can save money on auto insurance if they maintain a good driving record or bundle their insurance policies. But they often overlook the other ways they can save money. For example, some insurers will give discounts to engaged couples or to farmers. You can also get discounts if you’re a … Read more

The Envelope System: What it looks Like in 2013

envelope budgeting system

If you are old enough, you may remember your grandmother reaching into her cupboard and pulling out an envelope filled with cash, selecting a few bills out of it, and sending you to the store for milk and eggs. That rugged generation, who had no access to credit cards, had to rely on their own … Read more

Budgeting – The Alternative to Borrowing Money

household budget benefits

Times are hard. Coming off the back of a global recession is no easy feat and you’d think that after the near collapse of several large financial institutions, we’d have a new found respect for our finances – nope. In a recent survey, Thomson FindLaw found that 61% of Americans don’t have a household budget … Read more

Three Reasons You Should Regularly Shop for Car Insurance

shop around for car insurance

Companies that provide auto insurance are all playing the same game. They’re trying to outmaneuver each other and pick off each other’s clients through a variety of guarantees, pricing and marketing techniques. Luckily for us, all this competition works out to our advantage, even after we’ve purchased auto insurance. Insuring your car is different than … Read more