Help! I always forget to use my coupons.

how to organize coupons

You clip coupons, you organize coupons, and then you get to the cashier and realize that you forgot your coupons, again! What’s the best way to remember your coupons? PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! The reason most of us forget our coupons is we make unplanned trips to the grocery, we don’t have a list, and our … Read more

Is Being Brand Loyal Good for Your Budget?

If you are looking to save money when buying groceries or drugstore items, did you know being brand loyal could be a budget buster? Consider this, when you are shopping for, let’s say canned tuna. Do you always buy the same brand just out of habit? Would you buy an alternative brand if it was … Read more

Healthy Super Foods that Everyone Can Afford

affordable super foods

Very often, people who feel uncomfortable with a change of diet use one simple argument – healthy foods cost too much. It is actually true that obesity levels among people having limited budgets are higher, but there are affordable super foods. In fact, healthy foods are often simple and inexpensive items that can be purchased … Read more

25 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half

cut your grocery bill in half

The economy that is affecting the prices of daily necessities and the lack of job security are teaching us all the value of penny pinching. Stores that have suffered heavy losses during the recent economic downturn are doing their best to attract and retain shoppers. Given this, there has never been a better time to … Read more

Five Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill and Eat Better

Do you need to cut your grocery bill? Wondering how to reduce your grocery budget and eat better? No one wants to sacrifice what and how they eat in order to save money. Luckily, there are many easy ways to save money without sacrificing the quality of your family’s meals. Done properly, these tips will … Read more

Homemade Fruit and Vegetable Wash

money saving mom

Contaminated produce continues to make headlines and continues to make people sick. When we had the tainted spinach scare last year, it was enough to make me splurge for a bottle of that expensive fruit and vegetable wash. A year later, this money saving mom is even wiser because I’ve learned to make my own … Read more

Budget-Slimming Coupon Tips for the Frugal Mom

Being a mom is more than a full-time job; it’s a lifetime job. You don’t have scheduled start and end times, breaks, or even meals unless you wrestle your schedule into submission. Applying yourself to raising your family takes strength, determination, inspiration, creativity, and so much more – but one thing it always takes is … Read more

Quiz…What Kind Of Grocery Shopper Are You?

Take this shopping quiz to find out what kind of grocery shopper you are, and The Budget Diet will suggest the best grocery shopping tips for you! I usually go to the grocery once a week. True / False I always plan my meals and take a list to the grocery. True / False My … Read more