Where Are the Double Coupons?

save money at the grocery

It was April 2011 when Kroger started slowly rolling out its plan to stop double coupons. Double coupons were an extremely popular cost-saving strategy among the coupon community and the changes were not accepted quietly. As the practice spread to other states in the Kroger stable and to other grocery store chains, the “Bring Back … Read more

Stop Wasting Food!

produce storage tips

I hate throwing away food! Maybe it’s because I’m a frugal foodie, or maybe it’s because I remember my mother saying “there are starving children in Africa.” Whatever the reason, I still hate throwing away food. Stop wasting food with these organizational and produce storage tips. You’ll learn how to turn fresh herbs into dried, … Read more

Want to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half?

aldi shopping tips

  Is there anybody out there that doesn’t want to cut their grocery bill in half? I didn’t think so. It really is possible, and it can be done without clipping coupons, but you’ll have to make some sacrifices. When we moved to South Florida last year, we were prepared for the high cost of … Read more

Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half by Shopping Once a Month

once a month shopping

Most people think that there is no way that they could ever only go to the grocery store once a month. It might seem impossible, but with a little planning and organization it is indeed possible. If times get tough and there’s nothing else you can cut from your monthly budget, then consider taking another … Read more

Go Generic and Save!

store brand savings

It should not come as a huge surprise that many Americans are shopping for generic brands these days in order to save a dollar here and a dollar there. The big question, however, becomes: Which generic brands are right for you and your family when applicable, and when are you better off going with the … Read more

4 Unique Tips for Frugal Living

frugal tips

Living frugally is hard. There is always a temptation to buy something you really want, your spouse really wants or the kids want. Then there are all the unexpected expenses that pop up; car maintenance and repair costs, a bigger than usual heating or cooling bill, lawn care or new mower costs, the list goes … Read more

GroceryCoupons.com – your one stop shop for savings!


GroceryCoupons.com is your one stop shop for savings. We have compiled the best deals on the web and brought them to one place. With 13 benefits to choose from, there is literally thousands of ways members can save. Our great benefits include: Print Grocery Coupons – this benefit helps members save on groceries. Using our … Read more