Senior Citizen Discounts

Did you know that many Senior Citizen discounts start as early as age 50?

We're flattered to still get carded in our 40's, and then suddenly we're offered senior discounts at age 50! Don't be ashamed, take the discount and enjoy the savings!

At a recent visit to Taco Bell my husband, age 47, was given a FREE soft drink for being a senior citizen! According to Taco Bell, you're a senior at age 50, and I guess the teenage cashier assumed he was 50 since he's bald!

So, if you're 50+, it's time to take advantage of the senior discounts! Here's how…

Step 1: Join a senior citizens group, so you'll have access to all the discounts you're entitled to!

    1. Pay $16 for access to the AARP list of senior citizen discounts. There are thousands of discounts, and AARP has them neatly grouped by category. You'll save far more than your $16 each year!
    2. offers a $7.95 membership which gives you access to an online datebase of 150,000 senior discounts.

Step 2: Once you've joined either AARP or Senior Discounts…get in the habit of searching for a discount before shopping!

Step 3: Get in the habit of asking for a senior citizen discount because many cashiers are not in the habit of asking you if you're a senior citizen. Remember, ask and you just might receive!

The Budget Diet girl has put together just a small sampling of discounts available to seniors. If you've not started taking advantage of senior discounts, this short list might just tempt you! Ages and discounts may vary by location.

    1. Banks – most banks offer special accounts for seniors.
    2. Grocery – almost all grocery stores have a senior citizens day and offer 10% off!
    3. Movie Theatres – AMC offers 30% off to senior citizens!
    4. Museums
    5. National Parks – lifetime senior pass for just $10!
    6. Restaurants – Taco Bell, free drink for 50+, Wendy's 10% off.
    7. Retail – Kohl's 15% off every Wednesday, 62+; Banana Republic 10% off everyday, 50+.
    8. Theatre
    9. Travel – Marriott properties, 15% off, 62+.

If you're 50+, take a moment this week to do your research and start saving money!

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