Take Advantage of these 31 Teacher Discounts

Devoted teachers are truly some of the most amazing professionals in the world; often they take money out of their own pocket to ensure that their students have everything they need, whether it’s an extra notebook or supplies required to teach certain concepts. With practically non-existent budgets in a huge number of the nation’s schools, … Read more

Back-to-School Shopping? Do the Math!

how to save money on back to school shopping

This year you can overspend on back-to-school shopping, or you can save money on back-to-school shopping with this one simple trick! Save Money on Back to School Shopping   Back-to-School Shopping Scenario #1: Your daughter needs school uniforms from Lands End, so you hastily go to their website and spend $110 on 3 shirts and … Read more

Finding an After School Routine

after school routines

Leaving homework, dinner schedules, and bedtimes to chance has a tendency to create chaos and frustration during possibly the only family time of the day. Establishing a routine does not have to mean never allowing for flexibility, but it gives parents and children alike the feeling of comfort that comes from knowing what is expected. … Read more