Save Money This Thanksgiving By Going Green

Going green (or green-er) this Turkey day could end up saving you some money! Being earth-friendly can seem to cost more — and sometimes it does. But going green doesn't necessarily mean spending extra. Here are some ways that you can actually save by being an environmentally conscious customer this Thanksgiving season!


Green Swap Outs For Savings

  • Instead of flying or driving long distances to spend the day with family, think about starting your own tradition at home. Save money on travel, and connect with family through Skype or a phone call.
  • Instead of doling left-over string beans out into new tupper ware or zip-lock bags, ask your guests to bring a few containers with them!
  • If you are hosting Thanksgiving, don't buy disposable decorations for your house. Go green using by a few branches, gourds, or leaves as your table-top decor instead.
  • Try a vegetarian alternative. This one isn't for everybody, but for those of us who know their families won't throw a fit, it's a great way to be environmentally conscious and save a few bucks at the same time!
  • Swap out some traditional dishes for alternatives made with local fare. For example, instead of buying frozen, packaged mini onions (which have probably been hauled across the country), see if your local farmers have stores of beets or turnips and make a side dish with these instead!
  • Cut down on your shopping list. Keep your local-fare recipes simple to cash in on the savings.  Fresh, local foods are already full of natural flavor, and don't need to be dressed up with long lists of additional ingredients.

Going green can be fun and exciting. It might seem intimidating to introduce new traditions into your family's routine, but it is well worth it. Any earth-friendly, money-saving traditions that you are excited to start? Share below!