Save Money – Buy These 5 Items Second Hand

buy these items second hand
Why does everything have to be new?

Why do second hand items have an undeserving stigma attached to them?

You'll save money without compromising quality or durability when you buy second hand.

Buy These Items Second Hand – The Top 5

1. Clothes

The most obvious suggestion, second hand clothes are not hard to come by. People regularly outgrow their clothes or simply don't want them anymore. Browse the local newspaper for
garage sales, shop thrift stores or consignment shops…there are plenty of options for second hand clothes. You'll be surprised to find some that have never been worn. You still shouldn't buy clothes you don't intend to wear, so make sure you review all prospective purchases carefully before parting with your cash.

2. Media

Second hand media (dvd's, cd's, blu-ray) is a growing business. The content is the same, except you’re paying a fraction of the price and in some cases, buying a second hand DVD costs
the same, if not less, than renting it. Furthermore, the best part of this is that it works both ways – not only can you buy this media cheaply but you can sell it to stores as well.

3. Car

The second hand car business has been around for a while, and there are many advantages to owning a used vehicle. For a start, an older model is cheaper to insure than a new one. There may be an initial cost to repair or bring it up to a better standard, but the costs saved from continual insurance more than make up for this. Likewise, older models can often be repaired with cheaper parts.

4. Furniture

Similar to clothing, furniture is something that can often be purchased second hand. Thrift stores, garage sales and Craig's list are loaded with treasures, and a coat of paint can give a dated piece a new lease on life!

5. Electronics and Appliances

You need to be careful, but purchasing electronics and appliances second hand can save a lot of money. Professionally refurbished items are the best route, and they often come with a warranty.


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