Resolution Solution – Reduce Your Bills

reduce your bills

Guess what? If you cut your spending by $13 a day, you’ll save $400 a month and $4800 a year! Pay attention to the little expenses because they really do add up.

Let's get started by reducing your utility and insurance bills. All it takes are a few phone calls, and you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results!

Just follow these 6 easy steps:

  • If you live in one of these deregulated states, take five minutes and lower your electric bill today! Your budget will thank you for it! Thanks to deregulation, you can now shop around for the best electricity rates! To get started, do an internet search for “electricity providers in (state).”The good news is that regardless of which electricity provider you choose…the actual delivery of the electricity stays the same. Your choice will not affect the reliability of your service or how quickly your power is restored after a storm. You won’t even have to take time out of your day for a workman to come to your home! 
    New Hampshire
    New Jersey
    New York
    Rhode Island
    Texas (
    Washington D.C.
  • Take 10 minutes to call your utility companies (phone, internet, cable/satellite, cell) to make sure you’re getting the best rate, and to make sure you really need all the services you’re paying for like call waiting or premium cable channels. A few phone calls usually yield savings of $15 a month.
  • Shop around and compare rates on auto and home insurance. Ask yourself if you could live with a higher deductible or different limits, and make sure you are taking advantage of all the discounts available to you (security system, good student, student away).
  • Make a effort to save electricity! Take a step beyond turning off lights and electronics when you're not in a room. Why don't you consider using a clothesline? You’ll save about 6% on your electric bill plus your home will be quieter and cooler! A programmable thermostat will quickly pay for itself, and don't forget to turn off your furnace pilot light in the summer!
  • If you've had a disruption to your cable or satellite service, call and ask for a refund! We had issues with our cable for a week, and a complaint phone call yielded a $50 credit on our bill. Legitimate complaints may also result in a credit on your cell phone bill.
  • Speaking of cable, ditch it and opt for Netflix or Hulu. Unless you watch a lot of sports, this is a great option.

A few phone calls will yield big results, so take time out this new year to reduce your bills!


Image courtesy of: Stuart Miles /