Car Payments, Car Repairs, Car Care…oh my!

save money on car repairs

Did you know that car ownership and keeping your car running can be the second most expensive thing in your total budget? Learn how to save on car payments, car repairs and car care.       Save Money on Car Payments Don’t ever buy a new vehicle. The moment you make your first payment, … Read more

Crock Pot Red Beans and Rice

crock pot red beans and rice

An easy Red Beans and Rice Recipe that’s frugalicious, fast and perfect for Mardi Gras! If you want to reduce your prep time to just 5 minutes, opt for the frozen chopped bell pepper, frozen chopped onion and dried minced garlic.

Prepare Yourself Financially for Travel

In our modern society, travel is no longer a luxury, but it is considered a necessary part of having a healthy and meaningful life. Anyone with a dream of seeing the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France or Machu Picchu in Peru can find a way to reach that destination if he or she plans well … Read more

Thrift Store Treasures

goodwill treasures

If you’re not a thrift store or garage sale shopper, let this article be your inspiration! I promise, once you find your first treasure…you’ll be hooked! All of these items came from thrift stores or garage sales, and the one thing they have in common is a bargain price! If I had to pick my … Read more

5 Great Mobile Apps for Budgeting – Personal Finance Tools

mobile apps for budgeting

With the current economic recession causing many to tighten their financial belts, there’s never been a better time to start budgeting. Keeping an eye on your personal finances can be a daunting task if you don’t stay organized. In today’s fast-paced, on-the-go world, many are turning to mobile applications to make budgeting a reality. When … Read more

Dollar Store Deals and Duds

dollar store deals and duds

Dollar Stores can be a great place to shop if you know what is truly a good deal and what is not. Often times we may find ourselves there, picking up a few items and saying, “It’s only a dollar.” But once we take the product home, we realize, “It wasn’t worth a cent.”   … Read more

Save Money This Year

save money

Every year, people make resolutions for the changes they wish to implement in the coming year. Many resolutions center on personal goals such as weight loss or learning a new language. Many times, people do not have, being budget conscious uppermost in their minds. Many people, in fact, have New Year’s resolutions of earning more … Read more

Make Your Own Starbucks

Everyday I treat myself to a Venti Starbucks Skinny Iced Latte, but rather than paying $4...I make it myself! Enjoy my copycat Starbucks Skinny Iced Latte recipe and enjoy the savings!

Everyday I treat myself to a Venti Starbucks Skinny Iced Latte, but rather than paying $4…I make it myself! The beauty of this recipe is you can make it without a coffee pot in just a couple of minutes, and you can make it to suit your tastes! If you don’t want the skinny version, … Read more

How to Save Money on Home Security

budgeting for home security

We’re always looking to save a buck or two. From clipping coupons for 12 cents off a can of beans or driving an half-mile up the road to save 2 cents per gallon gasoline, some might call such tactics absurd. But any budget conscious person knows that it’s the little changes that really add up. … Read more