Go Generic and Save!

store brand savings

It should not come as a huge surprise that many Americans are shopping for generic brands these days in order to save a dollar here and a dollar there. The big question, however, becomes: Which generic brands are right for you and your family when applicable, and when are you better off going with the … Read more

Crock Pot Chicken Taco Recipe

crock pot shredded chicken taco

This Chicken Taco recipe will soon be one of your favorite quick and easy dinners because it’s a crock pot Chicken Taco. It takes less than 5 minutes to put the ingredients in the crock pot, and 6 hours later you’ll have a delicious shredded chicken taco. Effortless!

Saving Strategies: Rein in Your Finances

It happens to the best of us, sometimes those pesky finances get out of control and we’re left running after them desperately trying to regain our composure. Fortunately, even if your finances have gone awry, there are ways that you can put them back in order without spending money on a financial advisor. How to … Read more

Florida on a Budget

florida off season

Florida is one of the greatest destination spots when you are planning a vacation. The sunny weather and many amusement parks make it appealing to people of all ages. There are several things you can do to save money on your travel costs and to make it so you truly enjoy your vacation.   Vacation … Read more

How to Save Money on Vacation by Volunteering

worldwide opportunities on organic farms

Taking a vacation can be expensive. An overseas trip to anywhere will cost at least $1,000, though it will typically cost much more. A weekend jaunt to a state near you can still cost a few hundred dollars, and a longer trip can easily rival those taken overseas. An easy way to save money while … Read more

BBQ Chicken – 2 ingredients!

cooking with frozen chicken breats

A couple of months ago, we moved into a temporary corporate apartment, and I arrived with a huge bag of frozen chicken breasts from Costco (my answer to a super easy supper). I typically cook my frozen chicken breasts in a crock pot or on the grill, but I was limited to a 9 x … Read more

Eight Excellent Money-Saving Tips for Students

college student money saving tips

  Money Saving Tips for Students   1. Plan Ahead It seems tedious and somewhat laborious for those not used to financial responsibility, but a quick spreadsheet for planning out a budget can be very useful. Put aside a couple of hours before term starts, find all your paperwork, log on to your bank accounts; … Read more

The Psychological Dangers of Credit Cards

dangers of credit card rewards

Are credit cards a danger to you or not? If you ask most people that question, they’ll probably say something like “As long as I pay my credit card bills in full each month, they’re not a problem.” Well guess what? They might still be a danger, even if you do pay you them in … Read more

Three Important Money Lessons to Teach Your Children

money lessons for children

What and how your child learns about money matters are life-long lessons. What is your child learning? There are three important money lessons to teach your children. Adults are faced with a number of financial tasks including budgeting, paying bills and saving for retirement. When they have kids, people become responsible for a lot more … Read more

Dine for Less on Vacation – 5 Ways to Save Money

dine out for less

When our kids were young, the bulk of our vacation budget was the lodging. Somehow, my boys became teenagers without me noticing and they ate. Constantly. Fast food got expensive! Dinners got expensive! Even pancake breakfasts busted the budget. My vacation planning strategy had to change, so we didn’t go broke. As I discovered online … Read more