Update Your Fall Wardrobe for Under $100

If you follow fashion, then chances are your inbox, Twitter, Facebook, and reader are all full of news from recent events like Fashion Week and Fashion’s Night Out. I know I’m on fashion-inspiration-overload right now — and to be honest, my bank account can’t afford all the pieces I’d love to wear this fall. Luckily, … Read more

How to Create a Realistic Budget and Stick to It

curb your spending

Making plans is easy. How often have you drawn up a new diet or exercise plan or made a resolution to spend less money? Regularly, right? But how many times have you actually followed through and stuck with those plans? Part of the reason why it is so hard to stick to your budget is … Read more

Impress A Date with Your Personality, Not Your Pocketbook

cheap first date ideas

You don’t have to spend $180 to make a great first impression! Her name was Katie and she was an exceedingly attractive 24-year-old admissions director in New York City. We’d met at a party of a mutual friend and I was enamored from the first joke until she left with friends close to midnight. Luckily … Read more

Summer Bucket List

frugal family fun

Have one last summer hurrah this Labor Day Weekend by finishing up your summer bucket list! What?  You don’t have a summer bucket list? Enjoy some frugal family fun with an idea or two from The Budget Diet’s Summer Bucket List! Summer Bucket List #1 – Ice Cream Sundaes Make homemade ice cream and start … Read more

Finding an After School Routine

after school routines

Leaving homework, dinner schedules, and bedtimes to chance has a tendency to create chaos and frustration during possibly the only family time of the day. Establishing a routine does not have to mean never allowing for flexibility, but it gives parents and children alike the feeling of comfort that comes from knowing what is expected. … Read more

How to Evaluate Your Budget in Record Time

evaluate your budget

When it comes to many households, the budget is one of the most important things to continuously keep track of. The consumer that stays on budget tends to sleep a little better at night. On the other hand, those that stray off course and spend too much money tend to have their fair share of … Read more

Turned My Living Room Around for Under $200

how to redecorate for less

I’m so excited to be able to share a guest post with you today because it’s about something that I hold so dear to my heart. It’s about my living room, and how I completely redecorated it for just under $200. It was an amazing journey, but the most fun I’ve ever had in all … Read more