Best Shopping Discount Sites

best flash sale sites

The advent of e-commerce took the consumers out of the shopping mall and allowed them to purchase anything and everything their hearts desired with the click of a button. But like most aspects of the Internet, e-commerce is an ever-changing landscape in a constant state of flux. Retailers are trying to build brand loyalty anyway … Read more

How Home Owners Can Save Money

If you have chosen to buy a house in Victoria or elsewhere, after you unpack your belongings and have begun to settle in, it is a good time to review the available ways in which you can save money. Likewise, if you are looking for places to rent in Darwin NT or anywhere, you can … Read more

A Shopping List for the Budget Decorator

perk up a room for less than $100

15 easy ways to perk up a room for less than $100! Keep this shopping list handy, and keep your eyes open at flea markets, thrift shops, garage sales, consignment stores and discount stores like Homegoods. Old Books – Thrift shops are loaded with old books, and they’re usually less than $1. Pick up a … Read more

Working from Home Versus in an Office: How it Can Cut Down on Expenses

benefits of working from home

In today’s economy, everyone is looking to cut expenses and make the most of their money. Working from home, rather than commuting to a more traditional work space, is a cost-effective option for business owners, employees, and especially for those just starting a business. Even if you only telecommute a few days out of the … Read more

How to Save Money on Home Security Systems

save money on home security systems

Installing a home security system can be a wise but daunting choice for any family. There are a number of companies who provide such services, but where does one begin? And how can you get the most bang for your buck? Before signing on the dotted line with any security company, there are a few steps to … Read more

How to Cook Frozen Chicken Breasts in a Crock Pot

If you’re not cooking with frozen chicken breasts, you’re missing out on some frugalicious and fast dinners! They’re a busy mom’s secret to quick and easy dinners.

If you’re not cooking with frozen chicken breasts, you’re missing out on some frugalicious and fast dinners!  They’re a busy mom’s secret to quick and easy dinners. 10 reasons you should be cooking with frozen chicken breasts… They’re a frugal shoppers delight!  Costco sells a 6.5-lb. bag of frozen chicken breasts for $17.  If you’re … Read more