Creative Way to Give Money as a Gift

frugal birthday party ideas

If you ask a teenager what they want for their birthday, they’ll likely say, “money.” BORING! Where’s the fun in that? There has to be a more creative way to give money – Birthday Balloons! Here’s how it works… Divide the money you are planning to give among the balloons (16 balloons for a 16th … Read more

The Envelope System: What it looks Like in 2013

envelope budgeting system

If you are old enough, you may remember your grandmother reaching into her cupboard and pulling out an envelope filled with cash, selecting a few bills out of it, and sending you to the store for milk and eggs. That rugged generation, who had no access to credit cards, had to rely on their own … Read more

Budgeting – The Alternative to Borrowing Money

household budget benefits

Times are hard. Coming off the back of a global recession is no easy feat and you’d think that after the near collapse of several large financial institutions, we’d have a new found respect for our finances – nope. In a recent survey, Thomson FindLaw found that 61% of Americans don’t have a household budget … Read more

Ditch the Excess: Advice From a Penny-Pinching Mommy

penny pinching tips

Does the phrase “more month left than money” sound familiar? Do you stretch your budget until it cries, “Uncle!”? If you’re tired of always thinking about money and the lack thereof, you are not alone. Times are tough, budgets are slim and most moms are having to learn to do more with less. Fortunately, there … Read more

Simple Steps You Can Take to Save Energy This Spring

save energy

Let’s face it, times are tough. We need our paychecks to stretch further and our expenses to just go away. With spring just around the corner, many people are already anticipating the relief of cabin fever. For others it means a fresh start with spring cleaning. Whatever it means to you, taking a few minutes … Read more

The Best Amazing Race Birthday Party Ideas

An Amazing Race-themed party is a fun way to celebrate your kid's birthday party.

Today is my daughter’s 15th birthday, and we’ve had 15 years of fun, frugal & festive parties! This year, back by popular demand, we’re having The Amazing Race Birthday Party. This party requires a lot of advanced preparation, but I promise it’s FUN and FRUGAL…about $100 including supplies, food, and favors! You’ll be the mom … Read more