Yes, You Can Get out of Debt – 4 Strategies to Get You Started

strategies to get out of debt

Dave Ramsey, the renowned financial expert, author and speaker who helps people get out of debt, describes debt-free people as wise, responsible and willing to make sacrifices. They know that budget cuts are temporary and necessary, and they’re willing to sacrifice now to live a debt-free life later. If you want to live without debt, … Read more

Dollar Store Gift Guide

Ready for three super-easy, super-cheap gift ideas? Put on your frugal santa hat and let's get crafty!

Before you laugh, before you decide that I’ve gone off the frugal deep end…let me explain. You won’t actually be buying a gift from the dollar store, you’ll be buying the supplies to make a Dollar Store craft that is oh, so worthy of gift giving. I promise, cross-my-heart…nobody will suspect that you only spent … Read more

How Much Car Can You Afford?

operating cost of a vehicle

If you live in an area with reliable public transportation, you are able to weigh whether the costs associated with car ownership is worth it. The American Society of Civil Engineers reports that 45 percent of American households lack access to public transportation, and if you’re part of that, then having a car becomes far … Read more

Want to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half?

aldi shopping tips

  Is there anybody out there that doesn’t want to cut their grocery bill in half? I didn’t think so. It really is possible, and it can be done without clipping coupons, but you’ll have to make some sacrifices. When we moved to South Florida last year, we were prepared for the high cost of … Read more

Budget Technology Options that Do the Trick

technology on a budget

The technology world focuses on the latest, greatest, shiniest products on the market. What happens if all you want is something reasonably priced that can get the job done? One good thing about the constant improvements in the technology world is earlier generations of technology see plenty of price decreases as they lose their novelty. … Read more