5 Simple Ways to Save on Bills in only 30 Minutes

With rising costs and every more available services many home owners have difficulties with their personal finances. This includes figuring out ways of reducing regular monthly bills. If your anything like me I get overwhelmed by recurring bills, forgotten and unused services, which ultimately leaves less money for  important things such as investing for the future and going for a … Read more

Furnishing Your First Apartment on a Budget

When it comes to furnishing your first apartment on a budget, it’s all about knowing where to shop. Just because you have a small budget, doesn’t mean your destined to buy Walmart furniture. Please, please think outside of the Walmart box! The Budget Diet Girl would love to expand your furniture shopping horizons…on a budget, … Read more

Easy DIY Easter Decorations

easy DIY Easter decorations

Skip the expensive trip to Potterybarn for Easter Decorations, and make your own this year! These easy DIY Easter Decorations are all Budget Diet approved which means… They’ll cost less than $5. They’re quick and easy to make. They won’t require any special tools or Martha Stewart skills. What more could you want? Let’s get … Read more

Hershey’s Symphony Candy Bar Brownie Recipe

Hershey symphony bar brownie mix

If you want to kick your basic box brownie mix up a notch, this Hershey’s Symphony Candy Bar Brownie Recipe is for you! Don’t get me wrong, I love a basic brownie, but I love Hershey’s Symphony Candy Bar Brownies even more. Until you taste these brownies, it’s hard to imagine that simply adding candy … Read more

DIY Floating Bookshelves

how to build DIY floating bookshelves

First apartment, first real job, fancy part of town = really nice but really small apartment! Welcome to Uptown Dallas, Texas! My son gave me the task of decorating his apartment, on a budget, of course! Once we got the essentials in place like the bed and the TV, he determined that he really needed … Read more

4 Discount Stores That Will Save You Money on Everything

Would you pay $50 for an item from a certain store when you could purchase the exact same item for $15? NO! Who would? This is why I love discount stores. Seriously. I am the discount store queen, and I sit upon a throne that I paid 75% less than retail price for! Today, I’ll help you … Read more

Downsize Your LIFE!

downsize your life

My parents are in their downsizing phase of life…ready to move from a 5000 square foot home to a 2000 square foot townhouse. Less house = less work = a simpler life. Of course, there’s more to downsizing than just buying a smaller house. Cutting square footage by more than half requires a serious paring … Read more

3 Habits That are Preventing You from Saving More Money

Saving money is essential at any age and there are so many things to save for – emergency funds, college funds, retirement funds. As much extra money as possible should be going into savings accounts, but it can often be difficult to find that extra money at the end of the month to save. Many … Read more

DIY Anthropologie-Style Trinket Dish Tutorial

If you’re like me, you absolutely LOVE Anthropologie…but you’re not so fond of their prices. The chic and boho designs are fantastic, the sometimes muted and sometimes bold color schemes are great, but paying $80 for a trinket dish is a little out of my comfort zone. So, I created an Anthropologie-style trinket dish that … Read more