DIY Citronella Candles to Keep those Bugs Away!

Summer is the time for you and you kids to have fun and camp together as family. But sometimes, mosquito bites ruin this bonding moment and make things worse. Don’t worry as citronella candles are here to save the day. DIY citronella candles take about less than half an hour to make and of course, budget-friendly. What … Read more

DIY Cheese Cloth Ghost: A Haunting Halloween Craft

Make a ghost host this Halloween made from cheesecloth. These layers of cheesecloth surely create an eerie ambiance to your outdoors. This is a fun project for kids and adults. If you are ready to brig some scare, then read on for instructions. What you need: Styrofoam skull Cheesecloth White fabric Pieces of wood Mod podge … Read more

Homemade Bubblegum Candy Corn: Ready for Tricks or Treats?

Create something fun and delicious this Halloween and you will surely impress family and friends. Homemade bubblegum candy corn is so soft and a tasty sweet treat that won’t take much of your time. Although, you can buy a bag of it from local store, nothing beats the feeling of creating something by your hands. Moreover, … Read more

30 Creative and Fun Halloween Pet Costumes

Is your costume ready for Halloween? But how about your furry pal? Help your pet best friend find the perfect costume. You will not only impress family and friends, but you will be saving a lot by making your own. It would be unfair if you get all the fun while your pet wait for … Read more