NYC: Family Friendly and Almost Free

new york city free events

Picking the best place for a family vacation can turn into a tough decision with choices galore. From theme parks to beach getaways, packing up the family and heading somewhere can be a feat all its own. Picking family friendly places with plenty of options for keeping the kids happy is the ultimate goal. New York City is as adventurous as it is educational with museums, bike tours, and classic sights to see. NYC boasts cultural diversity, 24-hour entertainment, accessible public transportation, and affordable and free events.

Million Dollar Fun Without Spending One Dime

You may not want to carry wads of cash, and you don't have to! NYC is one of the only cities that offers free to low cost entertainment for tourists and natives.

There are free spring and summer concerts held in Manhattan's Central Park, and many of the galleries and museums are family-friendly. The Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art asks for a donation in exchange for admission and Bryant park has ongoing kid shows during afternoons. Plus, you can always catch the random performance by actors and acrobats if you happen to be in the right place at the right time. New York is a performer's paradise, which means more spontaneous entertainment for you.

What About the Other Boroughs?

Of the five famous boroughs in NYC, Manhattan stands out as the most popular and most visited, with Brooklyn coming in as a close second. A big reason why the uptown is sought after is its metropolitan flare and larger than life atmosphere, while Brooklyn sports a vintage feel from block to block.

However, one thing that Long Island, Staten Island, and the Bronx do have are beaches, the Hamptons and the Bronx Zoo. Coney Island's Cyclone carnival ride is a landmark and riding it once a year has been a time honored tradition for many, as is the Mermaid Day Parade in Brooklyn. From late April to the end of October there are ongoing festivals and street fairs taking place in Astoria and the Staten Island Ferry gives you a glorious view of Lady Liberty waving in the sunrise.

Regardless of the borough you and your family choose to visit or if you plan on checking out all of what NYC has to offer, it's a good idea to be safe, have fun and open to experiencing new places, foods and, of course, people. This classic American destination brings in visitors from all over, year-round. NYC is a magical metropolitan area that thrives off of its tourists as well as its residents who day after day sleep, work and play.


written by: Allyson Bonavita

Allyson Bonavita Allyson loves the outdoors almost as much as she loves writing. A New York native, Allyson studied at NYC and now freelances for technology-related clients in her spare time.

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