Let’s Go On A Budget Diet!

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The Budget Diet is kicking off Resolution Week today! If your resolution is going to have anything to do with saving money, you'll discover plenty of ideas to help you keep that resolution!

One of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight, but I'd like to suggest a diet for your wallet instead!

The Budget Diet is a diet for your wallet…not your waistline, and sometimes your overspending requires your wallet to go on a CRASH DIET!

If you really need to SAVE YOUR MONEY, consider this your weekly challenge!

It's a simple 3-step process, here's how:

#1. Review budget basics and budget tips…you must know the amount of your weekly allowance. Your weekly allowance is the amount you should be spending for food, fun, dry cleaning, etc.

#2. Once you're used to spending your weekly allowance and not a penny more…let the crash diet begin!

#3. Starting this week, allow yourself to only spend half of your weekly allowance! It's frugal living time! Example: If your weekly allowance is $350, you're going to have to live on $175…food, fun, gas, dry cleaner, etc. Continue the crash diet for 4 weeks!

This is a tough challenge, but it will force you to change some spending habits & save your money!

You'll have to think twice about every purchase – no more impulse purchases!

The Budget Diet girl is here to help with budget tips to help you save your money in just about every area of your life…see the topics on the left side of this page!

If grocery shopping is where you spend way too much…click grocery shopping on a budget to read all sorts of tips on how to grocery shop for less.

If you're not a cook…check out The Budget Diet's quick, easy & cheap recipes.

If your definition of family fun requires you to spend a lot of money…The Budget Diet has plenty of budget friendly ideas for family fun and free fun!

If you need more motivation, why don't you consider signing up for The Budget Diet Boot Camp…I'll work with you to establish a budget, and I'll make suggestions to help you save money!

The Budget Diet girl suggests having a reward to make this challenge more fun! So…take the money you saved & buy something you really want or take a weekend trip! Get the entire family involved in this challenge!

Throughout Resolution Week, you'll discover plenty of ideas to help you SAVE YOUR MONEY!


P.S. – Get in the habit of checking The Budget Diet's freebies page everyday!


Image courtesy of FreeWebPhoto.com